Ficha Unidade Curricular (FUC)

Informação Geral / General Information

Código :
Acrónimo :
Ciclo :
2.º ciclo
Línguas de Ensino :
Inglês (en)
Língua(s) amigável(eis) :

Carga Horária / Course Load

Semestre :
Créditos ECTS :
Aula Teórica (T) :
Aula Teórico-Prática (TP) :
Trabalho de Campo (TC) :
Seminario (S) :
Estágio (E) :
Orientação Tutorial (OT) :
Outras (O) :
Horas de Contacto :
Trabalho Autónomo :
Horas de Trabalho Total :

Área científica / Scientific area

Gestão Geral

Departamento / Department

Departamento de Marketing, Operações e Gestão Geral

Ano letivo / Execution Year


Pré-requisitos / Pre-Requisites


Objetivos Gerais / Objectives

Objetivos de Aprendizagem e a sua compatibilidade com o método de ensino (conhecimentos, aptidões e competências a desenvolver pelos estudantes) / Learning outcomes

Conteúdos Programáticos / Syllabus

1. Cultures and societies ? Dimensions of national culture ? Hofstede and the Globe Project; ? Trompenaars?dilemmas. 2. Cross-Cultural communication ? The process of communication; ? Relationships in face-to-face communication; ? Non-verbal communication. 3. Negotiation ? Basic concepts and negotiation techniques; ? Negotiating a relationship; ? Finding common ground in cross-cultural settings.

Demonstração da coerência das metodologias de ensino e avaliação com os objetivos de aprendizagem da UC / Evidence that the teaching and assessment methodologies are appropriate for the learning outcomes

This "demonstration of consistency" stems from the interconnection of the syllabus with learning goals (LG) and is explained as follows: LG1 to LG2? Topic 1 and 2 LG3 ? Topic 3

Avaliação / Assessment

The class format is interactive and students are expected to come to the class, to prepare and work out the assignments and, in addition, do the required readings. The active participation of students is much appreciated in order to create an exciting class environment. The sharing of own experiences, ideas, knowledge and thoughtful comments is the finest ingredient for an interesting learning experience. | The evaluation is based on the following components and respective weights: 1. Class participation ? 35% 2. Mid-term test ? 15% 3. Final Exam ? 50%

Metodologias de Ensino / Teaching methodologies

Demonstração da coerência das metodologias de ensino e avaliação com os objetivos de aprendizagem da UC / Evidence that the teaching and assessment methodologies are appropriate for the learning outcomes

The learning-teaching methodologies are aimed at the development of the students? main learning competences that allow the fulfilment of each of the learning goals. Accordingly the grid below shows the main interlinks between the learning-teaching methodologies and the respective goals: 1. Expositional, to the presentation of the theoretical reference frames All 2. Participative, with analysis and resolution of application exercises All 3. Active, with the realization of individual and group works LG2 and LG3 4. Self-study, related with autonomous work by the student, as is contemplated in the Class Planning. All

Observações / Observations

Bibliografia Principal / Main Bibliography

The students will be provided with articles, case studies and documents relevant to the course.

Bibliografia Secundária / Secondary Bibliography

? R. J. Lewicki, D. M. Saunders, B. Barry, Negotiation Readings, Exercises and Cases, McGraw-Hill International Edition, 2010. ? H. Deresky, International Management: Managing across borders and cultures: Text and Cases, Pearson, 7th Edition, 2010.

Data da última atualização / Last Update Date
