
Leaving the European Union

26 Fevereiro 2025, 14:30 Helena Pereira de Melo

Leaving the European Union:
1. The Withdrawl Process
2. The transition period
3. The Brexit

Accession to the European Union

19 Fevereiro 2025, 14:30 Helena Pereira de Melo

1. How to become a Member State of the European Union?
2. What is the process and the requirements?
3. Who are the current candidate States?

4. A Short History of the Euro, the common currency of the EU

Introduction to European Union Law

12 Fevereiro 2025, 14:30 Helena Pereira de Melo

1. The origins of European Integration: from the end of World War Two until the creation of the European Coal and Steal Community in 1951.
2. Basic concepts of EU Law.

Introduction to European Law

5 Fevereiro 2025, 14:30 Helena Pereira de Melo

Presentation of the teacher and the students. Indication of the pedagogical materials to be used in the course and the evaluation criteria. Introduction to European Unio Law.