? Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches (2nd edition), John W. Creswell, SAGE Publications, 2002.
? Empirical Software Engineering Issues: Critical Assessment and Future Directions, Victor R. Basili, Dieter Rombach, Kurt Schneider, Barbara Kitchenham, Dietmar Pfahl, Richard W. Selby (Eds.), LNCS 4336, Springer, 2007.
? Guide to Advanced Empirical Software Engineering, Forrest Shull, Janice Singer, and Dag I.K. Sjøberg, Springer, 2007.
? Empirical Methods and Studies in Software Engineering, Reidar Conradi, Alf Inge Wang (Eds.), LNCS 2765, Springer, 2003.
? Experimentation in Software Engineering: An Introduction, C. Wohlin et al., Kluwer, 2000.
? Basics of Software Engineering Experimentation, Natalia Juristo & Ana M. Moreno, Kluwer, 2001.
? Experimental Software Engineering Course Slides, Fernando Brito e Abreu, ISCTE-IUL, 2013.