17 Março 2021, 11:00 • Rita Sousa
Events budget
- Cost Analysis
- Human resources variable costs
- Profit Analysis
- Fee
- Comissions
- Margins
17 Março 2021, 09:30 • Rita Sousa
Events budget
- Cost Analysis - Fixed costs
- Administrative costs
- Means of Transportation fixed costs
- Human resource fixed costs
10 Março 2021, 11:00 • Rita Sousa
Lecture from Julie Deffense - Cake designer for wedding cakes
- How to reinvent yourself in Pandemic times
- What to expect from events supplier
- How to deal with a events manager
10 Março 2021, 09:30 • Rita Sousa
How to calculate a budget for an event:
- Cost Analysis
- Profit Analysis
Cost Analysis
- Variable costs
Budget Exercise