
Monetary Policy Aggregate Demand

11 Outubro 2023, 14:30 Luís Miguel Clemente Casinhas

1. The Monetary Policy curve

2. A shift in the Monetary Policy curve
3. A comprehensive exercise
4. Interest rates & the ECB
5. Increases in aggregate demand

Week 4

11 Outubro 2023, 11:00 Alexandra Ferreira Lopes

Week 4 - Solving exercises 5b) to 8b) of notebook 4.

Semana 4 - Curva IS

11 Outubro 2023, 08:00 Alexandre Jorge Serra

Semana 4 - Curva IS

Semana 5 aula prática 1

11 Outubro 2023, 08:00 João António Madeira

Política monetária e curva de procura agregada parte 1

Week 5

10 Outubro 2023, 09:30 Alexandra Ferreira Lopes

Week 4- Solving exercise 11 of notebook 4
Week 5 - Solving exercises 1 to 3b) of notebook 5