Métodos de Ensino e Avaliações

Competencies to develop: 1. Determine the value of a firm using different methodologies 2. Identify the main problems involved in the methodology used 3. Understand the relationship between the value of a firm and its capital structure 4. Independently follow the bibliography and explore new sources of information. 5. Work autonomously in the problem sets. | 1) During the teaching term the grading instruments are: a) A mid term exam with a grade between 0 and 20, with weight of 50% in the final grade. b) A final exam in two different dates (1st and 2nd ?season?) respecting the norms of IBS. The grade is between 0 and 20, with weight of 50% in the final grade. Alternatively to the ?continuous evaluation form?, i.e. the two mid terms the student can make a Final exam in two different dates (1st and 2nd ?season?) respecting the norms of IBS. The weight of the grade in this case is 100% Notes: a) To pass, a final grade of 10 in the Two mid term exams or in the Final is required