

Presentation of the syllabus

Presentation of the syllabus

Denaturalization of gender cathegories

Denaturalization of gender cathegories

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Rosaldo, Michelle (1974) Women culture and society, A theorectical overview" In Rosaldo, Michelle and Luise Lamphere "Women culture and society, A theorectical overview" Stanford Unversity press

Gender as social diferentiation cathegory : its role on the construction of power relations

Gender as social diferentiation cathegory : its role on the construction of power relations

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Ortner , Sherry (1974) "is female to nature what man is to culture? In Rosaldo, Michelle and Luise Lamphere "Women culture and society, A theoretical overview". Stanford, Stanford University Press.



Ortner , Sherry (1974) "is female to nature what man is to culture? In Rosaldo, Michelle and Luise Lamphere "Women culture and society, A theoretical overview". Stanford, Stanford University Press.

Rosaldo, Michelle (1974) Women culture and society, A theorectical overview" In Rosaldo, Michelle and Luise Lamphere "Women culture and society, A theorectical overview" Stanford Unversity press

Emotions as social constructions

Emotions: biological uncontrolables or social constructions?

Emotions as social constructions

Read text

ROSALDO, Michelle (1984), Toward an Anthropology of Self and Feeling. In SHWEDER, R e LEVINE, R. (ed.s) Culture Theory: Essays on Mind, Self and Emotion. Cambridge University Press



Debate texto: ROSALDO, Michelle (1984), Toward an Anthropology of Self and Feeling. In SHWEDER, R e LEVINE, R. (ed.s) Culture Theory: Essays on Mind, Self and Emotion. Cambridge University Press

The importance of emotion studies in contemporary anthropology

The importance of emotion studies in contemporary anthropology

texto: Lutz C. 1988, "Introduction" in Unnatural Emotions; Everyday Sentiments on a Micronesian Atoll and their Challenge to Western Theory, University of Chicago Press, Chicago.



Seminário: texto: Lutz C. 1988, "Introduction" in Unnatural Emotions; Everyday Sentiments on a Micronesian Atoll and their Challenge to Western Theory, University of Chicago Press, Chicago.

Social Construction of masculinty

Social Construction of masculinty

Texto ALMEIDA, Miguel Vale de (1995), The Hegemonic Male. Masculinity in a Portuguese Town 1996 1995



ALMEIDA, Miguel Vale de (1995), The Hegemonic Male. Masculinity in a Portuguese Town 1996 1995

Famíliy, reproduction, household and work: the meshes of gender and emotion in the building of social relations

Familiy, reproduction, household and work: the meshes of gender and emotion in the building of social relations

LIMA, Antónia (2004) Homens de negócios e gestoras familiares: complementaridades e assimetrias de género numa elite de Lisboa. In Anne COVA, N.RAMOS e T.JOAQUIM (ed) Desafios da comparação, Oeiras: Celta: 291-319



LIMA, Antónia (2000) How did I become a manager. Leader in my Family Firm?' Assets for succession in Contemporary Lisbon Financial Elites. In Antónia Pedroso de Lima e João de Pina Cabral (ed.s) Elites: Choice, Leadership and Succession. Oxford: Berg: 31-51

Interseccionality: crosscuting cathegories of social differenciation

Interseccionality: crosscuting cathegories of social differenciation

Black Feminisms and decolonial feminisms

Black Feminisms and decolonial feminisms

Read Text

Angela Y. Davis, Women, Culture, and Politics

Vergè, F. (s.d.). Um Feminismo Decolonial (J. P. Dias, & R. Camargo, Trads.). Brasil: ubu.



Angela Y. Davis, Women, Culture, and Politics

Vergè, F. (s.d.). Um Feminismo Decolonial (J. P. Dias, & R. Camargo, Trads.). Brasil: ubu.

Gender as performance: Butler and the deconstruction of the binarism man/woman and male/female

Gender as performance: Butler and the deconstruction of the binarism man/woman and male/female

Read Text

Butler, Judith. (1990) Gender Trouble: feminism and the subversion of indentity. New York: Routledge [Subjects of sex/gender/desire: 1-34].



Butler, Judith. (1990) Gender Trouble: feminism and the subversion of indentity. New York: Routledge [Subjects of sex/gender/desire: 1-34].

Genders, sexualities and families

Genders, sexualities and families

Butler, Judith 2002 "Is Kinship Always Already Heterosexual?" Differences: A Journal of Feminist Cultural StudiesDuke University

Intersecting Categories of Social Differentiation

Intersecting Categories of Social Differentiation

Gender Power and Emotions: Intersecting Gender, Race, Class, Sexual Orientation, Nationality and Work



Final Debate

Final debate