
Technology, economic growth and productivity

3 Novembro 2022, 13:00 Rita Sousa

Catching-up and convergence
Main contributions to the study of the effect of technology on country's productivity and growth.

Market structures and innovation

27 Outubro 2022, 13:00 Rita Sousa

Industry life cycle theory

The dominat design

Collaborative processes and Innovation networks (conclusion). Sectoral patterns of innovation

25 Outubro 2022, 13:00 Rita Sousa

Collaborative processes and Innovation networks:

How to build and manage networks. Social network analysis. Types of innovation networks

Sectoral patterns of innovation:

Paviit's taxonomy for industria sectors. Evangelista's taxonomy for service sectors.

Appropriability and intellectual property rights (conclusion). Collaborative processes and Innovation networks

20 Outubro 2022, 13:00 Rita Sousa

Appropriability and intellectual property rights (conclusion)

Patents (conclusion).

Industrial designs and trademarks.

Collaborative processes and Innovation networks:

Why innovation networks matter?

Advantages and challeges of collabotaive processes.

Appropriability and intellectual property rights

18 Outubro 2022, 13:00 Rita Sousa

Individual assignment: progress reporting.

Appropriability. The Teece framework.

Intellectual poperty and intellectual property rights: why they matter and how they work?
