

  • Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach Featuring the Internet, James F. Kurose, Keith W. Ross, 3rd edition, 2005, Pearson Acetatos e outro material de apoio na plataforma de e-Learning. :


  • Segurança em Redes Informáticas, André Zúquete, 3ª edição, 2010, FCA - Editora de Informática Engenharia de Redes Informáticas, Edmundo Monteiro e Fernando Boavida, 10ª edição, 2011, FCA - Editora de Informática TCP/IP Teoria e Prática, Fernando Boavida e Mario Bernardes, 2012, FCA - Editora de Informática Computer Networks, Andrew S. Tanenbaum, David J. Wetherall, 5th edition, 2011, Pearson Applied Cryptography: Protocols, Algorithms and Source Code in C, Bruce Schneier, 2nd edition, 1996, John Wiley and Sons Cryptography and Network Security, Principles and Practice, William Stallings, 6th edition, 2014, Pearson Education Computer Networks, A systems Approach, Larry L. Peterson, Bruce S. Davie, 5th edition, 2012, Elsevier :