

11 Maio 2023, 16:00 Rita Sousa

- Futurism and Modernism: Fernando Pessoa
- Portuguese contemporary literature and arts
- The 1974 Revolution in art
- Portuguese music: Fado, Cante Alentejano, and contemporary musical expressions and artists


11 Maio 2023, 14:30 Rita Sousa

- The National Identity in Portuguese art
- Romanticism and national art
- Naturalism and Realism: Eça de Queiroz


10 Maio 2023, 14:30 Rita Sousa

- Futurism and Modernism: Fernando Pessoa
- Portuguese contemporary literature and arts
- The 1974 Revolution in art
- Portuguese music: Fado, Cante Alentejano, and contemporary musical expressions and artists


10 Maio 2023, 13:00 Rita Sousa

- The National Identity in Portuguese art
- Romanticism and national art
- Naturalism and Realism: Eça de Queiroz


4 Maio 2023, 16:00 Rita Sousa

Visit to Museu Nacional do Azulejo to explore the history, uses, themes and artistic evolution of Portuguese tiles from the 16th century to modern-days.