Ficha Unidade Curricular (FUC)
Informação Geral / General Information
Carga Horária / Course Load
Área científica / Scientific area
Ciência Política
Departamento / Department
Departamento de Ciência Política e Políticas Públicas
Ano letivo / Execution Year
Pré-requisitos / Pre-Requisites
Não tem.
Objetivos Gerais / Objectives
A União Europeia (UE) é hoje um actor incontornável no sistema de governação Europeia, que suscita em simultâneo profundo cepticismo e grandes expectativas sobre o futuro. Em paralelo, é um sistema político novo e complexo, que não encaixa facilmente nos conceitos tradicionais da Ciência Política. O programa da UC Instituições Politicas Europeias abrange, por isso, os seguintes tópicos: o desenvolvimento da UE sob a perspectiva histórica; o funcionamento institucional da UE; os seus principais actores; o processo decisório no seio da UE; e ainda as principais áreas políticas, assim como os maiores desafios que enfrenta no futuro.
Objetivos de Aprendizagem e a sua compatibilidade com o método de ensino (conhecimentos, aptidões e competências a desenvolver pelos estudantes) / Learning outcomes
No final da disciplina os alunos devem ser capazes de: 1. Caracterizar o processo de desenvolvimento da UE, 2. Identificar e caracterizar as instituições políticas europeias, 2. Compreender o processo decisório na UE, 3. Avaliar criticamente o papel da UE enquanto actor político, desenvolvendo opiniões bem fundamentadas sobre os tópicos de análise.
Conteúdos Programáticos / Syllabus
1. História da União Europeia: da CECA ao Tratado de Lisboa 2. Instituições Europeias Supranacionais: A Comissão Europeia e o Parlamento Europeu 3. Instituições Europeias Intergovernamentais: O Conselho Europeu e o Conselho de Ministros 4. O Processo Decisório na União Europeia 5. Os órgãos consultivos, os grupos de interesse e o lobby
Demonstração da coerência dos conteúdos programáticos com os objetivos de aprendizagem da UC / Evidence that the curricular units content dovetails with the specified learning outcomes
O programa da UC aborda os temas fundamentais de um curso sobre instituições políticas europeias, constantes nos objectivos. Mais, o modelo de ensino seguido estimula a aprendizagem daqueles objectivos, como apresentado abaixo.
Avaliação / Assessment
As aulas teóricas consistem essencialmente na exposição da matéria pelos docentes, e as práticas na apresentação e discussão dos trabalhos práticos pelos alunos, na realização de exercícios de avaliação ou partilha de experiências com especialistas convidados. Requere-se dos alunos a leitura prévia dos materiais, atenção e questionamento crítico, bem como participação activa nas discussões dos trabalhos práticos e na realização de outras das tarefas previamente acordadas com os docentes. | Avaliação periódica: a) Recensão crítica de texto apresentado pelas docentes ? 20% b) Trabalho de grupo ? 20% c) Teste/Frequência a realizar na última aula do semestre ? 60% Os estudantes podem ainda realizar a avaliação por exame, por opção, ou caso não obtenham aprovação na avaliação contínua.
Metodologias de Ensino / Teaching methodologies
Demonstração da coerência das metodologias de ensino e avaliação com os objetivos de aprendizagem da UC / Evidence that the teaching and assessment methodologies are appropriate for the learning outcomes
A coerência entre as metodologias de ensino e os objectivos da UC, para além da pertinência dos conteúdos teóricos e modelo de ensino (antes exposto), é demonstrada pela realização dos diferentes trabalhos práticos: - A apresentação oral, em grupo, da análise de textos de livros de referência sobre o tema da semana. - A discussão das apresentações dos trabalhos dos colegas. - A discussão das notícias da atualidade. - O debate com oradores convidados.
Observações / Observations
Devido à atual situação provocada pela COVID-19, o processo de avaliação poderá sofrer algumas adaptações, que serão comunicadas oportunamente, caso tal venha a ser necessário
Bibliografia Principal / Main Bibliography
Richardson, Jeffery (2001), European Union: Power and Policy Making, Routledge Press. Peterson, John e Shackleton, Michael (2006), The Institutions of the European Union, Oxford: Oxford University Press. Nugent, Neill (2006), The Government and Politics of the European Union, Londres: Palgrave MacMillan. Hix, Simon (2005), The Political System of the European Union, 2ªed. Basingstoke: Palgrave. Dinan, Desmond (2004), Europe Recast: The History of the European Union. Boulder, CO: Lynne Reinner. Dinan, Desmond (2005), Ever Closer Union, An introduction to the European Community, Lynne Rienner Press. Cini, Michelle (ed.) (2009), European Union Politics, 2ªed., Oxford: Oxford University Press. Bomberg, Elizabeth e Stubb, Alexander (eds) (2003). The European Union - how does it work? Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Bibliografia Secundária / Secondary Bibliography
Westlake, Martin e Galloway, David (2004), The Council of the European Union, Londres: John Harper. Wallace, Helen (2002), "The Council: An Institutional Chameleon?", Governance, 15(3): 325-44. Varela, José Santos (2007), A agricultura portuguesa na PAC. Balanço de duas décadas de integração 1986-2006. Coimbra: Almedina Urwin, Derek W. (1991), The Community of Europe - A History of European Integration since 1945. (ISCTE: E.151 URW*Com) Tsebelis, George e Garrett, Geoffrey (2000), "Legislative politics in the European Union", European Union Politics 1 (1): 9-36. Tsebelis, G., & Garrett, G. (2001). The Institutional Foundations of Intergovernmentalism and Supranationalism in the European Union. International Organization, 55(2), 357-390. Tsebelis G, Garrett G. Legislative Politics in the European Union. European Union Politics. 2000;1(1):9-36. Tonra, Ben (Ed.) (2004), Rethinking European Union Foreign Policy, Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2004. Thomson, Robert e Madeleine Hosli (2006),, "Who Has Power in the EU? The Commission, Council and Parliament in Legislative Decision-making," Journal of Common Market Studies, 44, 2, pp. 391-417. Smith, Andy (2003), "Why European Commissioners Matter," Journal of Common Market Studies, 41, 1, pp. 137-156. Shackleton, M. e T. Raunio (2003), "Codecision since Amsterdam: A Laboratory for Institutional Innovation and Change", Journal of European Public Policy, 10:2, pp. 171-187. Schmidt, Vivien (2005), "The EU 'Polity' and the Europeanization of National Polities", in Nicholas Jabko e Craig Parsons, With US or Against US?, Oxford: Oxford University Press. Salmon, Trevor C. e Shepherd, Alistair J.K.. (2003), Toward a European Army: A Military Power in the Making? Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner. Sandholtz, Wayne (1993) 'Choosing Union: Monetary Politics and Maastricht', International Organization 47, 1: 1-39. Salmon, Trevor C. e Shepherd, Alistair J.K.. (2003), Toward a European Army: A Military Power in the Making? Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner. Reyes-Henshaw e Wallace, Helen (2006/1998), The Council of Ministers, Macmillan Press Ltd. Redmond, John (2007), "Turkey and the European Union: troubled European or European trouble?" International Affairs 83 (2): 305-317. Quaglia, Lucia e Edward Moxon-Browne (2006), "What Makes a Good EU Presidency? Italy and Ireland Compared," Journal of Common Market Studies, Vol. 44, No. 2, pp. 349-68. Pollack, M. A. (1997), "Delegation, Agency and Agenda Setting in the European Community", International Organization, 51, 1, pp. 99-134. Pinter, John (1998), The Building of the European Union, Oxford: Oxford University Press. Parsons, Craig (2002), "Showing Ideas as Causes: The Origins of the European Union", International Organization 56: 47-84. (B-on) Parsons, Craig (2003), A Certain Idea of Europe, Nova Iorque: Cornell University Press. (ICS: P.-3866) Nugent, Neill (ed.) (2004), European Union Enlargement, Hampshire: Palgrave MacMillan. (ICS: P.-3331) Nugent, Neill (2000), The European Commission, Nova Iorque: Palgrave Macmillan. Nelsen, Brent F. e Stubb, Alexander (eds.) (2003), The European Union. Readings on the Theory and Practice of European Integration, 3ªed., Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner. (ICS: P.-3495) Nello, Susan Senior (2005), The European Union: Economics, Policies and History. Berkshire: The McGraw Hill Companies. Murray, Philomena e Rich, Paul (eds.) (1996), Visions of European Unity, Boulder, CO: Westview. Moreno, Luís e Medeiros, Eduardo (2012), "Efeitos territoriais dos Programas de Desenvolvimento Rural da UE em Portugal (2000-2006). O caso da NUT II do Alentejo" , in: Actas do IX Colóquio Ibérico de Estudos Rurais - (I)Mobilidades e (Des)envolvimentos: o Rural Desafiado, Lisboa: CEG/IGOT-UL. Moravcsik, Andrew (1994), "Why European Integration Strengthens the State", in American Political Science Association, Nova Iorque. Moravcsik, Andrew (1998), The Choice for Europe: Social Purpose and State Power from Messina to Maastricht, Londres: Routledge. (ISCTE: S.198 MOR*Cho) Moravcsik, Andrew (2002), 'In Defense of the 'Democratic Deficit": Reassessing the Legitimacy of the European Union', Journal of Common Market Studies, 40, 4: 603-34, 2002. (B-on) Mendez, Carlos (2013), "The post-2013 reform of EU cohesion policy and the place-based narrative", Journal of European Public Policy, 20(5): 639-659. Medeiros, Eduardo (2011), Efeito barreira e cooperação transfronteiriça na raia ibérica, Lisboa: CEI/Âncora. McCormick, John (2008), Understanding the European Union. A Concise Introduction, 4ªed., Basingstoke: Palgrave. (ICS: P.-3487) Mattli, Walter e Slaughter, Anne-Marie (1995), "Law and Politics in the European Union: A Reply to Garrett", International Organization 49: 183-90. (B-on) Mattli, Walter e Slaughter, Anne-Marie (1998), "Revisiting the European Court of Justice", International Organization 52: 125-52. (B-on) Lewis, Jeffrey (2003), "Informal Integration and the Supranational Construction of the Council", Journal of European Public Policy, 10(6): 996-1019. (B-on) Latruffe, Laure, Dupuy, Aurélia e Desjeux, Yann (2013), "What would farmers' strategies be in a no-CAP situation? An illustration from two regions in France", Journal of Rural Studies, 32: 10-25. Kreppel, Amie (2002), "Moving Beyond Procedure: An Empirical Analysis of European Parliament Legislative Influence", Comparative Political Studies 35(7): 784-813. (B-on) König, T., Finke, D. Reforming the equilibrium? Veto players and policy change in the European constitution-building process. Rev Int Org 2, 153?176 (2007). Judt, Tony (2007), Postwar. A History of Europe Since 1945, Londres: Pimlico. (H.123(4) JUD*Pos) Janning, Joseph (2005), "Leadership coalitions and change: the role of states in the European Union" International Affairs 81 (4): 821-833. (B-on) Hooghe, Liesbeth, e Marks, Gary (2001), Multi-Level Governance and European Integration. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield. (ISCTE: S.198 HOO*Mul) Hooghe, Lisbeth (2001), The European Commission and the Integration of Europe - Images of Governance, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Hooghe, Liesbet (2003), "Europe Divided? Elites vs. Public Opinion on European Integration", European Union Politics 4(3): 281-305. (B-on) Hix, Simon; Noury, Abdul G.; e Roland, Gérard (2007), Democratic Politics in the European Parliament, Cambridge: University Press. (ICS: P.-4157) Hix, Simon, Lord, Christopher (1997), Political parties in the European Union, Houndmills : Macmillan. (ISCTE: S.195 HIX*Pol) Hix, Simon e Goetz, Klaus (2006), "Introduction: European Integration and National Political Systems", West European Politcs 29: 1-26. (B-on) Hix, Simon e Follesdal, Andreas (2006), 'Why There is a Democratic Deficit in the EU: A Response to Majone and Moravcsik', Journal of Common Market Studies, 44: 533-62. (B-on) Hix, Simon e Bartolini, Stefano (2006), "Politics: The Right or the Wrong Sort of Medicine for the EU?", at: Hix, Simon (2002), "Constitutional agenda-setting through discretion in rule interpretation: Why the European Parliament won at Amsterdam", British Journal of Political Science, 32, pp. 259-280. Hill, Christopher e Smith, Michael (eds.) (2005), The International Relations of the European Union, 4ªed., Oxford: Oxford University Press. Gorton, Matthew (et al) (2008), "Attitudes to agricultural policy and farming futures in the context of the 2003 CAP reform: A comparison of farmers in selected established and new Member States", Journal of Rural Studies, 24: 322-336 Golub, Jonathan (2012), "How the EU does not work: National bargaining success in the council of ministers", Journal of European Public Policy, 19, 9, pp. 1294-1315. Goetz, Klaus H., Hix, Simon (ed) (2000), Europeanised Politics? European Integration and National Political Systems, Londres: Frank Cass. (ISCTE: S.198 Eur). Gillingham, John (2003), European Integration 1950-2003: Superstate or New Market Economy? Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. George, Stephen e Bache, Ian (2001), Politics in the European Union, Oxford: Oxford University Press. (ICS: 32BAC,I*) Garrett, Geoffrey; Kelemen, Daniel; e Schulz, Heiner (1995), "The European court of justice, national governments, and legal integration in the European Union", International Organization 52: 149-176 (B-on) Garrett, Geoffrey (1995), "The Politics of Legal Integration in the European Union", International Organization 49: 171-81. (B-on) Dür, Andreas e Gemma Mateo (2012), "Who lobbies the EU? National interest groups in a multilevel policy", Journal of European Public Policy, 19, 7, pp. 969-987. De Búrca, Gráinne e Weiler, Joseph H. H. (2001), The European Court of Justice, Oxford: Oxford University Press. Dannreuther, Roland (ed.) (2004), European Union Foreign and Security Policy. Towards a Neighbourhood Strategy, Londres: Routledge. Corbett, Richard, Francis Jacobs and Michael Shackleton (2003), "The European Parliament at Fifty: A View from the Inside," Journal of Common Market Studies, Vol. 41, No. 2, pp. 353-373. Corbett, Richard; Jacobs, Francis; and Shackleton, Michael (2003), The European Parliament, 5ª ed., Londres: John Harper. Conant, Lisa (2006), "Individuals, Courts, and the Development of European Social Rights", Comparative Political Studies 39: 76-100. (B-on) Caramelo, Sérgio (2007), União Europeia, fronteira e território. Porto: Campo das Letras. Broome, André (2012), "The politics of IMF-EU co-operation", Journal of European Public Policy, pp.1-17. Börzel, Tanja A. e Risse, Thomas(2007), "Europeanization: the Domestic Impact of EU Policies", in Jorgensen, Pollack e Rosamond Handbook of European Union Politics, Sage. Bomberg, Elizabeth e Peterson, John (1999), Decision-making in the European Union, Nova Iorque: St. Martin's Press. (ICS: P.-3767) Benedetto, Giacomo (2005), "Rapporteurs as legislative entrepreneurs: the dynamics of the codecision procedure in Europe's parliament", Journal of European Public Policy, 12, 1 pp. 67 - 88. Begg, Iain (2010), "Cohesion or Confusion: A Policy Searching for Objectives", Journal of European Integration, 32(1): 77-96. Ballmann, Alexander e David Epstein, and Sharyn O'Halloran (2002), "Delegation, Comitology, and the Separation of Powers in the European Union, International Organization, 56, pp. 551-574. Bache, Ian (e tal) (2011), "Europeanization and multi-level governance in south-east Europe: the domestic impact of EU cohesion policy and pre-accession aid", Journal of European Public Policy, 18(1): 122-14. Andersen, Svein S. e Eliassen, Kjell A. (eds.) (1996), The European Union : How Democratic is it?, Londres : Sage. (ISCTE: S.198 Eur) Alter, Karen J. (1998), "Who are the masters of the Treaty? European Governments and the European Court of Justice", International Organization, 52: 125-52. (B-on)
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