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  • - Rodrigues, Luís (2016). Utilização do Excel para Economia & Gestão. Lisboa: FCA. - Price, Michael, & McGrath, Mike (2016). Excel 2016 in easy steps. Warwickshire: In Easy Steps Limited. - Peres, Paula (2011). Excel Avançado (2ª ed.). Lisboa: Sílabo. - Monk, Ellen, Brady, Joseph, & Cook, Gerard (2012). Problem-Solving Cases in Microsoft Access and Excel (11th ed.). Boston: Cengage Learning. - Laudon, Kenneth, & Laudon, Jane (1999). Management Information Systems: Organization and Technology in the Networked Enterprise (6th ed.). Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice Hall. - Harvey, Greg (2016). Excel 2016 All-in-One for Dummies. New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons. -Management Information Systems: Organization and Technology in the Networked Enterprise, 6th Edition. [with Jane Laudon] Englewood - Barlow, John (2005). Excel Models for Business and Operations Management (2nd ed.). New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons. :