SPSS application: Analysis of the association between 2 variables: graphs, tables and measures of association
7 Novembro 2023, 14:30 • Margarida Cardoso
SPSS application: Analysis of the association between 2 variables: graphs, tables and measures of association. Quiz #3
Aula 6
7 Novembro 2023, 14:30 • Paula Vicente
exploratória bivariada: diagrama de dispersão; Coeficiente de Pearson;
Coeficiente Eta
Aula 5
7 Novembro 2023, 13:00 • Paula Vicente
Análise exploratória bivariada: gráficos de barras empilhadas e agrupadas; tabelas de contingência; Coeficiente V de Cramer
Analysis of the association between 2 variables: graphs, tables and measures of association
7 Novembro 2023, 13:00 • Margarida Cardoso
Analysis of the association between 2 variables: graphs, tables and measures of association