ARIMA Models
10 Março 2021, 11:00 • Rita Sousa
The Box-Jenkins Methodology (Identification, Estimation and Diagnostic). The Box-Pierce and Ljung-Box tests. Dealing with seasonality: the SARIMA models. The Unit Root Tests: Dickey-Fuller, Augmented Dickey-Fuller, KPSS and Phillips-Perron tests, discussion and application to nonstationary time series.
ARIMA Models
10 Março 2021, 09:30 • Rita Sousa
The Box-Jenkins Methodology (Identification, Estimation and Diagnostic). The Box-Pierce and Ljung-Box tests. Dealing with seasonality: the SARIMA models. The Unit Root Tests: Dickey-Fuller, Augmented Dickey-Fuller, KPSS and Phillips-Perron tests, discussion and application to nonstationary time series.
Introduction to stochastic time series models: basic concepts
3 Março 2021, 11:00 • Rita Sousa
Introduction to stochastic time series models: white noise and random walk processes, stationarity, autocorrelation and partial autocorrelation functions. ARIMA models: differenced and log transformations, lag operator, pure Autoregressive (AR) processes, pure Moving Average processes (MA) and ARMA processes.
Introduction to stochastic time series models: basic concepts
3 Março 2021, 09:30 • Rita Sousa
Introduction to stochastic time series models: white noise and random walk processes, stationarity, autocorrelation and partial autocorrelation functions. ARIMA models: differenced and log transformations, lag operator, pure Autoregressive (AR) processes, pure Moving Average processes (MA) and ARMA processes.
24 Fevereiro 2021, 11:00 • Rita Sousa
Alternative Estimation Methods: Generalized Least Squares, Nonlinear Least Squares, Maximum Likelihood and Generalized Method of Moments.