Ficha Unidade Curricular (FUC)

Informação Geral / General Information

Código :
Acrónimo :
Ciclo :
2.º ciclo
Línguas de Ensino :
Inglês (en)
Língua(s) amigável(eis) :

Carga Horária / Course Load

Semestre :
Créditos ECTS :
Aula Teórica (T) :
Aula Teórico-Prática (TP) :
Trabalho de Campo (TC) :
Seminario (S) :
Estágio (E) :
Orientação Tutorial (OT) :
Outras (O) :
Horas de Contacto :
Trabalho Autónomo :
Horas de Trabalho Total :

Área científica / Scientific area


Departamento / Department

Departamento de Finanças

Ano letivo / Execution Year


Pré-requisitos / Pre-Requisites


Objetivos Gerais / Objectives


Objetivos de Aprendizagem e a sua compatibilidade com o método de ensino (conhecimentos, aptidões e competências a desenvolver pelos estudantes) / Learning outcomes


Conteúdos Programáticos / Syllabus


Demonstração da coerência das metodologias de ensino e avaliação com os objetivos de aprendizagem da UC / Evidence that the teaching and assessment methodologies are appropriate for the learning outcomes

Competences to develop during the learning-teaching term: 1. Ability to understand and interpret the economic and financial phenomena in international financial markets; 2. Ability to synthesise and analyse exchange rate movements and policies; 3. Bibliographical research skills, data and information gathering skills, and quantitative and qualitative analysis; 6. Communication skills (both writing and oral), in discussing relevant policy issues; 7. Ability to create, evaluate and communicate the outcomes of a project; 8. Ability to work autonomously and in group; 9. Skills related with behaviour and ethical attitudes, in the interaction with others.

Avaliação / Assessment

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Metodologias de Ensino / Teaching methodologies

During the learning term, students must acquire and develop cognitive and communication competences, in the scope of this learning unit and in compliance with the objectives, defined above. For the acquisition of these competences will be used a range of teaching methods (e.g., theoretical expositions; case analysis and debate; etc.) that, in an articulated manner, allow the mastering of the above competences.

Demonstração da coerência das metodologias de ensino e avaliação com os objetivos de aprendizagem da UC / Evidence that the teaching and assessment methodologies are appropriate for the learning outcomes


Observações / Observations


Bibliografia Principal / Main Bibliography

Mishkin, 2010, The Economics of Money, Banking and Financial Markets, Business School Edition, Pearson. Krugman, Obstfeld and Melitz, 2012, International Economics: Theory and Policy, Ninth Edition, Pearson.

Bibliografia Secundária / Secondary Bibliography

Bekaert and Hodrick, 2011. International Financial Management, Second Edition, Prentice Hall.

Data da última atualização / Last Update Date
