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  • A bibliografia relativa ao estudo de profissões em particular deve ser pesquisada pelos alunos e, se necessário, solicitar o apoio à docente. Work, Employment and Society - URL: Work and Occupations - URL: Professions and Professionalism - URL:] European Societies - URL: Current Sociology - URL: Páginas eletrónicas de revistas na área de Sociologia das profissões: Lei n.º 6/2008 de 13 de Fevereiro, "Regime das Associações Públicas Profissionais" Lei n.º 2/2013 de 10 de janeiro, "Estabelece o regime jurídico de criação, organização e funcionamento das associações públicas profissionais" INE (2011), Classificação Portuguesa das Profissões 2010, URL: xmain?xpid=INE&xpgid=ine_publicacoes&PUBLICACOESpub_boui=107961853&PUBLICACOESmodo=2&xlang=pt Outras referências disponíveis em suporte eletrónico: Wilensky, H 1964 "The professionalization of everyone?". American Journal of Sociology 70: 137-158. Vollmer Howard M. e Mills Donald L. (orgs.) 1966 Professionalization. Nova Jérsia: Prentice-Hall. Veloso, L et al. 2012 "Questões deontológicas de metodologia de investigação em sociologia: o caso do interesse público e das profissões". Sociologia, Problemas e Práticas 69: 87-98. Weber, M 1984 [1922], Economia y Sociedad. México: Fondo de Cultura Económica. Torstendahl, R, e Burrage, M (orgs.) 1990 The Formation of Profession: Knowledge, State and Strategy. Londres: Sage. Svensson, Lennart G. e Evetts, J (orgs.) 2010 Sociology of Professions: Continental and Anglo-Saxon Traditions. Göteborg: Daidalos. Rego, R (ed.) 2013 The trend towards the European deregulation of professions and its impact on Portugal under crisis, Palgrave Macmillan. Parsons, T 1968 "The professions". In. International Encyclopedia of Social Science, vol. 12. Nova Iorque: The Free Press and Macmillan. Parsons, T 1939 "The professions and social structure". Social Forces 17(4): 457-467. Oppenheimer, M 1973 "The proletarianization of the professional". The Sociological Review Monograph (Professionalisation and Social Change) 20(1): 213-227. Noordgraaf, M 2007 "From 'pure' to 'hybrid' professionalism. Present-day professionalism in ambiguous public domains", Administration & Society 39(6): 761-785. Mineiro, J 2012 Será possível profissionalizar uma ciência? Cientificidade, profissionalização e questões deontológicas na sociologia, CIES e-Working Paper, 135/2012, URL: Merton, Robert K 1982 Social Research and the Practicing Professions. Nova Iorque: University Press of America. McCormick, K 1985 "Professionalism and work organization: some loose ends and open questions", Sociology 19(2): 285-294. MacDonald, Keith M 1995 The Sociology of the Professions. Londres: Sage. Lucas, Y e Dubar, C (orgs.) 1994, Genèse et Dynamique des Groupes Professionnels. Lille: Press Universitaire de Lille. Larson, M S 1977 The Rise of Professionalism. A Sociological Analysis. Berkeley: University of California Press. Johnson, T 1972 Professions and Power. Londres: Macmillan. Hughes, Everett C., The Sociological Eye. Selected Papers, Chicago e Nova Iorque, Aldine, Atherton, 1971. Haug, Marie R 1975, "The deprofessionalization of everyone?", Sociological Focus 8 (3): 197-213. Gyaramati, G 1975 "The doctrine of the profession: basis of a power structure", International Social Science Journal, 27(4): 629-654. Gouldner, A 1957 "Cosmopolitans and locals: toward an analysis of latent social roles", Adminstrative Science Quaterly 2(3): 281-306. Goode, W 1957 "Community within a community: the profession", American Sociological Review 25 (6): 194-200. Freidson, E 2001 Professionalism, the Third Logic. Cambridge: Polity Press. Freidson, E 2006 "Para uma análise comparada das profissões: a institucionalização do discurso e do conhecimento formais", Revista Brasileira de Ciências Sociais 11 (31): 141-145. Fielding, A G e Portwood, D 1980 "Professions and the state: towards a typology of bureaucratic professions". Sociological Review, 28(1): 23-53. Etzioni, A (org.) 1969 The Semi-Professions and Their Organization. Teachers, Nurses, Social Workers. Nova Iorque: The Free Press. Durkheim, É. 1984 [1902] A Divisão do Trabalho Social. Lisboa: Editorial Presença. Dubar, C e Tripier, P 1998 Sociologie des Professions. Paris: Armand Colin. Derber, C 1982 "The proletarianization of the professional: a review essay". In. Derber, C (org.), Professionals as Workers. Mental Labor in Advanced Capitalism. Boston: G.K. Hall. Delicado, A, Borges, V e Dix, S (orgs.) 2010 Profissão e vocação: ensaios sobre grupos profissionais. Lisboa: ICS.. Burrage, Michel, e Rolf Torstendahl (orgs.), Professions in Theory and History. Rethinking the Study of the Professions, Londres, Sage, 1990. Bucher, R e Strauss, Anselm L 1961 "Professions in process", American Journal of Sociology, 66: 325-334. Bertilsson, M (1990 "The welfare-state, the professions and citizens". In R Torstendahl e M Burrage (orgs), The Formation of Professions. Londres: Sage, pp. 237-249. Abbott, A 1988 The System of Professions. An Essay on the Division of Expert Labor. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Abbott, A 1991 "The order of professionalization: an empirical analysis", Work and Occupations, 18 (4): 355-384. :