
Managing currency operations with currency forwards

23 Setembro 2020, 17:30 Rita Sousa

Managing the currency risk of financial operations with forwards.

The elimination of forwards: the perspective of the client and of the bank.

Pricing currency forwards (conclusion)

17 Setembro 2020, 17:30 Rita Sousa

Pricing currency forwards in the over-the counter.

Pricing and instrumental arbitrage.

Analysis of currency forwards

16 Setembro 2020, 17:30 Rita Sousa

Analysis of currency forwards: main characteritics and uses.

Princing of currency forwards: in perfect markets and interbank markets

Introduction to the curricular unit

14 Setembro 2020, 17:30 Rita Sousa

Introduction to the curricular unit: learning outcomes, content, evaluation system, reading materials, style of teaching.

A brief introduction to forwards .