
Lesson 3:Exploratory data analysis

20 Setembro 2023, 09:30 Cláudia Isabel Vajão

Exploratory data analysis - producing customized tables and plots in IBM SPSS Statistics 28.

Lesson 2: Exploratory data analysis

14 Setembro 2023, 11:00 Cláudia Isabel Vajão

Types of data and measurement scales. Exploratory data analysis - obtaining descriptive statistics in IBM SPSS Statistics 28.

Lesson 2: Exploratory data analysis

14 Setembro 2023, 09:30 Cláudia Isabel Vajão

Types of data and measurement scales. Exploratory data analysis - obtaining descriptive statistics in IBM SPSS Statistics 28.

Lesson 1: Presentation of the course

13 Setembro 2023, 11:00 Cláudia Isabel Vajão

Presentation of the course: aims, program, evaluation, teaching methodology and references. Constructing a dataset in IBM SPSS Statistics 28.

Lesson 1: Presentation of the course

13 Setembro 2023, 09:30 Cláudia Isabel Vajão

Presentation of the course: aims, program, evaluation, teaching methodology and references. Constructing a dataset in IBM SPSS Statistics 28.