

  • -Class materials -"Todos Podemos Negociar Bem !", Pedro Fontes Falcão, 2013, Topbooks -"The mind and heart of the Negotiator", Leigh Thompson, 6th edition, 2014, Pearson :


  • - "The Art and Science of Negotiation", Howard Raiffa, 1985, Belknap Press - "The Manager as Negotiator", David A. Lax and James K. Sebenius, 1986, The Free Press - Sebenius, James K. Negotiation analysis: A characterization and review. Management Science, 1992, 38.1: 18-38. - "Getting Past No: Negotiating Your Way from Confrontation to Cooperation", William Ury, 1993, Bantam Books - Salacuse, Jeswald W. Negotiating: The top ten ways that culture can affect your negotiation. IVEY business journal, 2004, 69.1: 1-6. - Malhotra, D., & Bazerman, M. H. 2008. Psychological influence in negotiation: An introduction long overdue. Journal of Management, 34: 509-531 - "Value Negotiation", Horácio Falcão, 2012, FT Press - Petkeviciute, N, & Streimikiene, D. 2014. Sustainable agreements during inter-cultural negotiation. Transformation in Business & Economics, 13.3: 21-35 - "Negotiation", Lewicki, Saunders & Barry, 7th Edition, 2014, McGraw-Hill - "Getting to Yes with Yourself: And Other Worthy Opponents", Ury, 2015, Harper One :