
Journalism challenges

7 Novembro 2023, 16:00 Ana Isabel Pinto Martinho

Digital and online disruption

Financial sustainability
Ethical challenges
Information disorders, part 2
 - How it works - Wardle classification of information disorders
 - Class activity - gamification - inoculation theory

Journalism and its audiences

31 Outubro 2023, 16:00 Ana Isabel Pinto Martinho

To whom are journalists talking to?

News consumption characterization
Paying for news - do you?
How impartiality and trust in news is seen by the audiences
Information disorders 
News avoidance
Changes in news production, distribution and consumed

Journalistic Genres

24 Outubro 2023, 16:00 Ana Isabel Pinto Martinho

Journalistic genres through time - evolution

Journalistic genres or elements?
Genre by genre
The reportage and it's importance for journalism
Critical analysis of some examples of reportages


17 Outubro 2023, 16:00 Ana Isabel Pinto Martinho

A brief history of journalism

Nowadays challenges for journalism and journalists.
Ethical Challenges 
Journalists relations with their sources
Class discussion on journalism and ethics

What is journalism - The elements of Journalism

10 Outubro 2023, 16:00 Ana Isabel Pinto Martinho

Class presentation

What is journalism - Class discussion
The elements of journalism - Critical analysis of the 10 elements of journalism according to Kovach and Rosenstiel.