

  • KOLB, R. W. "Futures, Options and Swaps", Blackwell Publishers Inc. (COTA na biblioteca do ISCTE: G.162 KOL*Fut 3ª ed 2 ex) DAMODARAN, A. "Investment Valuation: tools and techniques for determining the value of any asset", John Wiley & Sons. (COTA na biblioteca do ISCTE: G.162 DAM*Inv) :


  • ROSS, S. and WESTERFIELD, R. "Corporate Finance", McGraw-Hill International Student Editions. MISHKIN, F. "The Economics of Money, Banking and Financial Markets", Addison Wesley. JOHNSON, H. "Global Financial Institutions and Markets", Blackwell Publishers. HULL, J. "Options, Futures and Other Derivatives", Prentice Hall Finance Series. HUANG, C. and LITZENBERGER, R. "Foundations for Financial Economics", Prentice Hall. HAUGEN, R. "Modern Investment Theory", Prentice Hall International Editions. DAMODARAN, A. "Corporate Finance: Theory and Practice" (Wiley Series in Finance), John Wiley & Sons. DAMODARAN, A. "Corporate Finance", John Wiley & Sons. COPELAND, T. and WESTON, J."Financial Theory and Corporate Policy", Addison Wesley Longman Publishing Co. COPELAND, T. and KOLLER, T. McKinsey&Co. "Valuation (Measuring and Managing the Value of Companies)", Wiley & Sons. BREALEY, R. and MYERS, S. "Principles of Corporate Finance", Higher Education US Editions. :