

9 Fevereiro 2023, 14:00 Rita Sousa

Mediation and moderation effects in structural equation models.
Latent Growth Curve Models.


8 Fevereiro 2023, 14:00 Rita Sousa

 From the linear regression model to path analysis and to the structural equation model with latent variables. Equations, model assumptions, identification, estimation, goodness of fit and interpretation of the estimates and of the fitted model.


7 Fevereiro 2023, 14:00 Rita Sousa

From the classical factor analysis model to confirmatory factor analysis. Equations, model assumptions, identification, estimation and interpretation of the  measurement model / confirmatory factor analysis model.


6 Fevereiro 2023, 14:00 Rita Sousa

Introduction to Structural Equation Modeling: Key references and statistical software available. Examples of structural equation modeling in Management. Key concepts and notation. troduction to the statistical software R.