References will be distributed in class as required.:
Ambady, Nalini and Robert Rosenthal (1993), “Half a Minute: Predicting Teacher Evaluations From Thin Slices of Nonverbal Behavior and Physical Attractiveness,” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 64 (March), 431-441.
Trope, Yaacov, and Nira Liberman. (2010) "Construal-level theory of psychological distance." Psychological review 117.2: 440.
Friestad, Marian and Peter Wright (1994), “The Persuasion Knowledge Model: How People Cope with Persuasion Attempts,” Journal of Consumer Research, 21 (June), 1-31.
Fitzsimons, Gavan et al. (2002) "Non-conscious influences on consumer choice." Marketing Letters 13, no. 3: 269-279.
Kahneman, Daniel (1991), “Judgment and Decision Making: A Personal View,” Psychological Science, 2 (May), 142-145.
Tversky, Amos and Daniel Kahneman (1974), “Judgments Under Uncertainty: Heuristics and Biases,” Science, 185, 1124-1131.