Talk by Ana Matos - Salgadeiras Gallery
19 Outubro 2023, 18:00 • Luís Urbano de Oliveira Afonso
Talk by Ana Matos, manager of Salgadeiras Gallery and vice-president of Exhibitio (association of Portuguese art galleries).
Private-public partnerships in the field of museums
12 Outubro 2023, 18:00 • Luís Urbano de Oliveira Afonso
Discussion on the advanteges and disavantages of private-public partnerships in the field of museums. The Berardo Museum as a case study.
28 Setembro 2023, 18:00 • Luís Urbano de Oliveira Afonso
Introduction to the course. Evaluation: essay about one topic addressed by one speaker or an essay about tax and legal measures promoted recently by European countries to promote the art markets on a particular country.
Delivery date: 3rd of January 2024.