
Oceania Oce


Groupo: ANTROP - 2009 > 1º Ciclo > Optativas

Groupo: ANTROP - 2009 > 1º Ciclo > Optativas > Antropologia > 2º Ano

Groupo: ANTROP - 2009 > 1º Ciclo > Optativas > Antropologia > 3º Ano


6.0 (para cálculo da média)


Dividida entre a imensidão continental e desértica australiana e a imensidão tropical do oceano Pacífico, a Oceânia, se considerarmos a sua diversidade geográfica e cultural, apenas se define como uma região em função dos limites que os geógrafos do passado traçaram nos mapas-múndi. A cadeira deve ser entendida então como abarcando, sob um rótulo geográfico algo contingente, um conjunto diverso de zonas cujas histórias são, sob o plano de vista populacional e cultural, em grande medida independentes. A partir de um conhecimento geral dos dados fundamentais da etno-história das regiões da Oceânia, a cadeira, que privilegia a leitura de textos completos de natureza etnográfica, deverá estabelecer uma relação estreita com cadeiras teóricas e metodológicas. Será um dos contextos onde se fazem leituras completas de textos etnográficos a seleccionar, que complementam os temas que essas cadeiras, nas suas perspectivas próprias, discutem.

Método de Avaliação

A avaliação será feita em regime de avaliação contínua, com base na participação das aulas (10%), nas apresentações orais (40%) e num trabalho escrito (50%)

Carga Horária

Carga Horária de Contacto -

Trabalho Autónomo - 113.0

Carga Total -



  • VAYDA A. (1968) Peoples and Cultures of the Pacific, Garden City, New York, The Natural History Press. IRWIN, G. (1992) The Prehistoric Exploration and Colonisation of the Pacific, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press CAMPBELL, I.C. (1989) A History of the Pacific Islands, Berkeley, University of California Press. DENNON, D. et al (2004) The Cambridge History of the Pacific Islands, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. :


  • WARNER W.L. (1937) Black Civilization, New York, Harper. TINDALE N.B. (1974) Aboriginal Tribes of Australia, Canberra, Australian Institute of Aboriginal Studies SUAREZ, T. (2004) Early Mapping of the Pacific, Tóquio, Tuttle Publishing. STREHLOW T.G.H., (1947) Aranda Traditions, Melbourne, University of Melbourne Press. STRATHERN, M. (1988) The Gender of the Gift: Problems with Women and Problems with Society in Melanesia, Berkeley: University of California Press STANNER W.E.H. (1966) On Aboriginal Religion, Sydney, University of Sydney. SPENCER B., and F.J. GILLEN (1899) The Native Tribes of Central Australia, London: Macmillan - (1992) Anahulu: Anthropology of History in the Kingdom of Hawai (2 vols), Chigaco, University of Chicago Press - (1985) Islands of History, Chicago: University of Chicago Press. (Disponível em português) SAHLINS, M. (1958) Social Stratification in Polynesia, Seattle, University of Washington Press. ROBBINS, J. Becoming Sinners: Christianity and Moral Torment in a Papua New Guinea Society, Berkeley, University of California Press. OLIVER, D. (2002) Polinesia in Early Historic Times, Honolulu, The Bess Press. MUNN, N. (1973) Warlpiri Iconography: Graphic Representation and Cultural Symbolism in a Central Australian Society, Ithaca: Cornell University Press. MEAD, M. (1928) Coming of age in Samoa. A psychological study of primitive youth for Western civilization, New York, William Morrow. (Disponível em português) MEGGITT M.J. (1962) Desert People, Chicago, The University of Chicago Press. - (1935), Coral Gardens and their Magic, Londres, George Allen and Unwin, 2 vol. (Disponível em português) - (1929) The sexual life of savages in North-Western Melanesia: An Ethnographic Account of Courtship, Marriage, and Family Lift among the Natives of the Trobriand Islands, British New Guinea, New York, Harcourt. (Disponível em português) MALINOWSKI, B. (1922), Argonauts of the Western Pacific. An account of native enterprise and adventure in the archipelagos of Melanesian New Guinea, Londres, Routledge and Kegan Paul. (Disponível em português) MADDOCK K., (1982) The Australian Aborigines, Ringwood, Victoria, Penguin Books. LAWRENCE, P. and M.J. Meggitt (eds) (1965) Gods, Ghosts and Men in Melanesia: Some Religions of Australian New Guinea and the New Hebrides, Oxford: Oxford University Press LAMB, J. et al (2001) Exploration and Exchange: a south seas anthology 1680-1900, Chicago, University of Chicago Press. KUCHLER, S. (2002) Malanggan: art, memory and sacrifice, Oxford, Berg Publishers. LYDON, J. (2005) Eye Contact: Photographing Indigenous Australians, Durham, Duke University Press. - (2002) On the Road of the Winds: archaeological history of Pacific Islands before European Contact, Berkeley, University of California Press. KIRCH, P.V. (1984) The Evolution of the Polynesian Chiefdoms, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press KEEN, I. ( 1994) Knowledge and Secrecy in an Aboriginal Religion: Yolgnu of North-East Arnhem Land, Oxford: Clarendon Press JULIEN C.-A. (1971) Histoire de l?Oceanie, Paris, PUF. JUILLERAT, B. (1991) Oedipe Chasseur, Paris, Presses Universitaires de France. IRWIN, G. (1992) The Prehistoric Exploration and Colonisation of the Pacific, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press HOWLEY, P. (2003) Breaking Spears and Mending Hearts: peacemakers and restorative justice in Bougainville, London, Zed Books. HOEM, I. (1995) A Way with Words: Language and Culture in Tokelau Society, Bangkok, Orchid Press. HARRISON, S.J. 2006 Stealing People?s Names: History and Politics in a Sepik River Society, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. GOLDMAN, I. (1970) Ancient Polynesian Society, Chicago: University of Chicago Press GODELIER, M. (1986) The Making of Great Men: Male Society, Language and Ritual, London: Athlone Press (disponível em francês) FORTUNE, R. Sorcerers of Dobu : the social anthropology of the Dobu Islanders of the Western Pacific, Long Grove, Illinois, Waveland Press. (Disponível em português) FISCHER, S. R. (2002) A History of Pacific Islands, Hampshire, Palgrave Macmillan. FIRTH, R. (1936) We, the Tikopia: A Sociological Study of Kinship in Primitive Polynesia, Londres, Allen et Unwin. (1939) - 1943, «Anthropology and the Peoples of the South-West Pacific. The Past, Present, and Future», Oceania, vol. 14 (1) : 1-19. ELKIN A.P. (1938) «Anthropological Research in Australia and the Western Pacific, 1927-1937 », Oceania, vol. 8 (3): 306-327 DANNON, D. et al (2000) A History of Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific Islands ? the formations of identities, Londres, Blackwell. CLENDINNEN I. (2005) Dancing with Strangers: European and Australians at First Contact, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. BOROFSKY, R. & A. HOWARD (eds) (1989) Developments in Polynesian Ethnology, Honolulu, University of Hawaii Press BERNDT, R.M. (1951) Kunapipi: A Study of an Australian Aboriginal Religious Cult, Melbourne: Cheshire BATESON, G. (1936) Naven : A Survey of the Problems suggested by a composite picture of the culture of a New Guinea tribe drawn from three points of view, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. (Disponível em francês) BABADZAN, A. (1982) Naissance d?une tradition: changements culturels et syncrétisme religieux aux îles Australes (Polynésie française), Paris, ORSTOM :

Disciplinas de Execução

2010/2011 - 1º Semestre