
Economia do Bem-Estar Aplicada 02188


Groupo: ECO - 2009 > 1º Ciclo > Optativas > Economia > 2.º Semestre


6.0 (para cálculo da média)


By the end of the semester students should: 1. Identify welfare economic arguments for government intervention in markets 2. Understand the overview of redistribution and e fficiency eff ects of government activities 3. Choose and apply relevant welfare economic analytical methods to empirical cases 4. Analyse the pros and cons, costs and bene ts of economic measures and changes from the perspective of social welfare.


Part 1: Welfare Theory and Social Choice (a) Introduction (c) Externalities and market failures (d) Introduction to social choice: the Arrow theorem, SWFs (e) State intervention (f) Social decision making (g) Implications of voting: theory vs. practice (h) Introduction to the welfare state (i) Empirical measures of redistribution and inequality Part 2: The welfare- state 1. Welfare -state - historical origins (a) The nature of welfare- state (b). Plurality of models - the debate 2. The European Social Model (ESM) - an approach (a) The ESM - definitions and historical framework (b) Diversity and unity in the ESM (c) The European Union and the social policies - an overview 3. Main pillars of the Modern Welfare- state (a) The social protection policies - pensions, employment and poverty (b) The educations policies - models and results (c) The health systems - models and indicators 4. The main challenges

Método de Avaliação

Evaluation is based on the midterm written exam (50%) and the fi nal written exam (50%) To positively finish the course the final mark should be equal or greater to 9.5. Important: In the performance evaluation, attendance of minimum 80% of class is required

Carga Horária

Carga Horária de Contacto -

Trabalho Autónomo - 113.0

Carga Total -



  • Esping Andersen, 1990, The Three Worlds of Welfare Capitalism For the second part: 6. Additional readings for specific parts of the course 5. Rosen H.S. (2005) Public Finance, McGraw-Hill 4. Jones, C. (2005) Applied Welfare Economics, Oxford University Press, Oxford College 3. Atkinson A.B. and J.E. Stiglitz (1980) Lectures on Public Economics, Mcgraw-Hill 2. Feldman and Serrano (2006) Welfare Economics and Social Choice Theory, Springer 1. Mueller, D. (2003) Public Choice III, Cambridge University Press, New York :


  • Esping Andersen, 1990, The Three Worlds of Welfare Capitalism For the second part: 6. Additional readings for specific parts of the course 5. Rosen H.S. (2005) Public Finance, McGraw-Hill 4. Jones, C. (2005) Applied Welfare Economics, Oxford University Press, Oxford College 3. Atkinson A.B. and J.E. Stiglitz (1980) Lectures on Public Economics, Mcgraw-Hill 2. Feldman and Serrano (2006) Welfare Economics and Social Choice Theory, Springer 1. Mueller, D. (2003) Public Choice III, Cambridge University Press, New York :

Disciplinas de Execução

2013/2014 - 2º Semestre

2014/2015 - 2º Semestre