28 Outubro 2022, 15:30 • Rita Sousa
APPDI (Portuguese association for diversity and inclusion) is a non-profit institution whose mission is to promote diversity and inclusion (D&I) in organizations and in civil society. They are in charge of the Portuguese diversity charter (an initiative of the European Commission to help employers developing diversity practices) and they are involved in several other projects and programs. For instance, and interesting program involving both schools and companies - the ?Engineers for a Day? ? is a Government initiative that aims to raise awareness of STEM career options for female students up to 18 years old. Another project targets both enterprises as social institutions - e Divers@s e Ativ@s Project: Promoting Diversity and Non-Discrimination in the Workplace. APPDI shared with us more from their mission and activities, showing us a landscape of practical possibilities to work in the field of diversity and inclusion in different contexts.
28 Outubro 2022, 13:00 • Rita Sousa
Apresentação do artigo "Translating Culture in the Global Workplace: Language, Communication, and Diversity Management"
Abordagens críticas
20 Outubro 2022, 15:30 • Rita Sousa
Measuring diversity - some aspects and ideas of measurement, together with its pros and cons
Important concepts from social psychology - social identity, minority influence, groupthink, stereotype threat, stereotype content, relational models, cultural dimensions, etc
13 Outubro 2022, 15:30 • Rita Sousa
Main approaches to processes involved in diversity effects on work group performance
The information processing and categorization perspective (continued)
Going byond demographic and functional diversity:
Curvilinear relations
Focussing on underlying processes
Integrating categorical and information processing perspective (Van Knippenberg et al. 2004; Carter & Philips, 2017)
Adding the importance of status (van Dijk & van Engen, 2013)
6 Outubro 2022, 15:30 • Rita Sousa
Debunking arguments against diversity
Justifying diversity: business case or fairness case?
Group formation for periodic evaluation
Measuring diversity (intro)