
Seminar - Conclusion - Wrap up

17 Novembro 2023, 20:30 Manuel João Ramos

Seminar (group debate): participative reflexion about the presentations and about the sylabus of the course; discussion and integration of the topics; students' views and research ideas.

Organization of the students' final reports by themes: ways of belonging; border crossings; Violent conflicts; Representations.

General conclusions.

Rounding up of the course and group evaluation of the course.

Discussion of prospects for future research and teaching on Europe-Africa Relations.

Speaker: Manuel João Ramos (CEI-IUL)

Preparation of students' reports

Africa: fevelopment, fallacies and lullabies

17 Novembro 2023, 18:00 Manuel João Ramos

1. Myths and realities about Africa

2. Major Dynamics in the two first decades of the 21st Century in Africa: the role of the EU

3. May Africa be treated as a politically coherent entity?

4. Ongoing dynamics at the dawn of the 3rd decade of this Century: any significant change in the EU-Africa relationship?


Carlos Lopes; George Kararach (2021). Structural Change in Africa: Misperceptions, New Narratives and Development in the 21st Century, Routledge

Cardoso, Fernando Jorge (2017). O Desenvolvimento sem Norte nem Sul,

The afterlives of development in Eastern Africa

14 Novembro 2023, 20:30 Manuel João Ramos

The afterlives of development interventions: Retracing theK enya-Finland Cooperation (Kefinco) Project in western Kenya

Since the end of colonialism, cooperation between African and Europeanc ountries has given rise to countless and varied internationald evelopment projects, which in turn left contested and often unexpectedl egacies. Drawing on the Iscte-based European Research Council (ERC)p roject AfDevLives, in this lecture we will discuss a cases-tudy involving such a Euro-African development collaboration - namely, a large-scale waterp roject called Kefinco, which was implemented in Kakamega, western Kenya, in the 1980s and 1990s. This session will feature four speakers, three of whom will join us remotely, and willf ocus on the retracing of such afterlives and on them ethods used for their ongoing exploration, and in particular on thec onvergence of ethnographic and archival material."

Guest speaker: Yonatan Gez (CEI-IUL) and the team of AfDevLives


Trabalho autónomo:


Ferguson&Lohmann (1994) The anti-politics machine: "Development" and bureaucracy power in Lesotho. The ecologist, 24, 5

Gez&Fouere&Bulugu (2022) Telling ruins -The afterlives of an early post-independence development intervention in lake Victoria, tanzania. Journal of Modern African Studies.

Vuori (1986) Water for a million. World Health.

Portugal after 1974: the birth pangs of a post-colonial nation

14 Novembro 2023, 18:00 Manuel João Ramos

Nearly 50 year after the 'loss' of its overseas empire, Portugal is still struggling to come to terms with its postcolonial condition - just as many other former European powers, by the way. Those who have studied the post-colonial trajectory of the country are usually struck by the persistence of an unreconstructed imperial imagery in public discourses, as well as many subtle (or not so subtle) expressions of racism. In this talk, we will attempt to give some context to this situation and see how history can help us to make sense of Portugal's lack of a thorough imperial reckoning.


Bruno C. Reis & Pedro A. Oliveira (2017): The Power and Limits of Cultural Myths in Portugal's Search for a Post-Imperial Role, The International History Review, DOI: 10.1080/07075332.2016.1253599

Pinto, A. C., Jerónimo, M. B. (2015). Ideologies of exceptionality and the legacies of empire in Portugal. In Dietmar Rothermund (Ed.), Memories of post-imperial nations: the aftermath of decolonization, 1945-2013 (pp. 97-119). Delhi: Cambridge University Press

People’s Participation for International Cooperation - the Tanzanian case

10 Novembro 2023, 20:30 Manuel João Ramos

People’s Participation for International Cooperation - the Tanzanian case

Lecturer: Dr. George Mutalemwa  (St. Augustine University of Tanzania)

International cooperation (IC) has been hailed as a panacea for socio-economic development particularly for the so-called developing countries institutionalized through various agreements and protocols in the north-south relations outlining strategies and processes towards mutual benefits between cooperating nations or states. This presentation reflects on the 60 years of international cooperation since most African countries gained their independence from colonial rule to-date through a Development Studies (DS) perspective. The amount of aid, loans and concessions to Africa would have brought about major changes on the continent ceteris paribus and concludes that the level of development in Africa does not correlate with the rhetoric of international cooperation. Informed by the people’s organisations development theory (PODT), the paper recommends the kind of cooperation that goes beyond economic benefits, which tilt towards multinational corporations (MNCs) of the global minority at the expense of social service provision in the global majority as well the cooperation that is people-centred in contradistinction with the state-centric or interstate status quo which privileges the elite over the masses.

Keywords: International cooperation, Africa, development, participatory theories, people-centredness


Carbone M (2023) When elephants fight, it is the grass that suffers: The Russo-Ukranian conflict and the decentring-recentring condundrum in the EU-Africa relations. Journal of European Integration

Mutalemwa, G. People's Organisations in Tanzania: Strengths, Challenges and Implications for Development. Vechta: University of Vechta, 2015


Mutalemwa, G. African academic diaspora and the revitalisation of African universities (2018). Journal of Sociology and Development, Vol. 2 (1), 150-174

Mutalemwa, G. Laity and Development: Participation of the laity in Socio-economic and Cultural Development in Bukoba Diocese, Tanzania, 2011