
History of Africa and of European-African Relations

10 Novembro 2023, 18:00 Manuel João Ramos


European-African relations in the Early Modern Era

From previous images of Africa to the first contacts: expectations and reciprocal representationsA frican responses and European adaptations in the dawn of the Atlantic World

The evolution of the Euro-African relationship. The case of the Luso-African communities in Western Africa.

Guest speaker: José Silva Horta (CH-UL)



Brooks, George E., 2003. Eurafricans in Western Africa. Commerce, Social Status, Gender, and Religious Observance from the Sixteenth to the Eighteenth Century, Athens, Ohio University Press, Oxford, James Currey.

Horta, José da Silva, MARK, Peter, 2018, « A "Racial" Approach to the History of Early Afro-Portuguese Relationships? The Case of Senegambia and Cabo Verde in the Late Sixteenth and Early Seventeenth Centuries », em Sina Rauschenbach; Jonathan Schorsch (ed.), The Sephardic Atlantic: Colonial Histories and Postcolonial Perspectives, New York, Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 57-84.

Tymovski Michał , 2020. Europeans and Africans. Mutual Discoveries and First Encounters, Leiden/Boston, Brill.

Euro-African mobility

7 Novembro 2023, 20:30 Manuel João Ramos

Euro-African border and border crossings: The Mediterranean

Post-Colonial political and social issues - mobility, diaspora and asylum

Migration and/or Mobility in African Studies (debate on concepts and practices).

African migrations in Europe: how to study African diasporas and "irregular" migrants in Europe.

The migrants' voice: self-narrative, objects and memories of migration to Europe.

Border bodies: ethnography of the treatment of migrants on their arrival in Lampedusa.

The Archive of Migrant Memories.


Film screenings:

Como un uomo sulla terra, by Dagmayi Ymer

To whom it may concern, by Zakaria Mohamed Ali



Gatta, Gianluca, 2012, Luoghi migranti. Tra clandestinità e spazi pubblici , Pellegrini, Cosenza.

Gatta, Gianluca. 2012, "Corpi di frontiera. Etnografia del trattamento dei migranti al loro arrivo a Lampedusa", in AM. Rivista della Società italiana di antropologia medica , n. 33/34, pp. 129-161.

UNECA. 2013. Report: International Migration and Development in Africa: The Migration and Climate Nexus. UNECA.

Vacchiano, Francesco. 2013. Fencing in the South. The Strait of Gibraltar as a Paradigm of the New Border Regime in the Mediterranean. Journal of Mediterraneean Studies.

Vacchiano, Francesco. 2014. Beyond borders and limits: Moroccan migrating adolescents between desire, vulnerability and risk. Saúde e Sociedade, 23, 1.


Mckenzie, Robert and Triulzi, Alessandro. 2013. Long Journeys. African migrants on the road. Leiden: Brill.

MacGaffey, Janet and Bazenguissa-Ganga, Rémy. 2002. Congo-Paris: Transnational Traders on the Margins of the Law. Indiana University Press.

Agier, Michel and Bazenguissa-Ganga, Rémi (eds). 2012. L'Afrique des banlieues françaises. Paris: Paari.

Bayart, Jean-François. 2010. Les études postcoloniales, un carnaval académique. Paris: Khartala..

Santinho, Cristina. 2010. Afinal que asilo é este que não nos protege? Etnográfica, 17, 1

What are African Studies

7 Novembro 2023, 18:00 Manuel João Ramos

Launch of the special issue of the Cadernos de Estudos Africanos, with discussion by its editors and authors.


The history, scope, variations, meanings and contexts of African Studies, in Europe and elsewhere.

African colonial borders re-imagined

3 Novembro 2023, 20:30 Manuel João Ramos

Egypt, the Horn and the Red Sea: EU between a rock and a hard place

Guest speaker: Ana ELisa Cascão (CEI-IUL)

The complex heritage of colonial borders in Africa and in Europe, and the need to deconstruct the notion of "ethnic conflict" in Africa and in Europe.

Separatism and international recognition of states: Reflections from the Horn of Africa.

Guest speaker: Aleksi Ylönen (CEI-IUL)


Dias, Alexandra. (ed.). 2013. State and Societal Challenges in the Horn of Africa: Conflict and Processes of State Formation. Lisbon: CEA-IUL.

Iyob, Ruth. 1997. The Eritrean Struggle for Independence: Domination, Resistance, Nationalism, 1941-1993. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Ogbazghi, Petros B. 2015. "Eritrea's Politics and Governance Crisis as Political Culture Epiphenomena". Journal of Contemporary African Studies 33, 4, pp. 467-493.

Young, John. 2012. The Fate of Sudan: The Origins and Consequences of a Flawed Peace Process. London: Zed Books.

Sørbø, Gunnar M. and Abdel Ghaffar M. Ahmed. (eds.). 2013. Sudan Divided: Continuing Conflict in in a Contested State.
Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan.

Ylönen, Aleksi. 2014. "Dwindling but Surviving: South Sudan and External Involvement in the Current Crisis". Review of African Political Economy 41, 141, pp. 1-8.

Hoehne, Markus Virgil. 2011. "Not Born as a De Facto State: Somaliland's Complicated State Formation". In Sharamo, Roba and Berouk Mesfin (eds.), Regional Security on the Post-Cold War Horn of Africa, Monograph 178 (Institute for Security Studies: Addis Ababa), pp. 309-346.

The Economist. 2014. "Somaliland: Can't Get No Recognition". January 9.

Presentation of the Course - Europe-Africa Relations: an entangled relation

3 Novembro 2023, 18:00 Manuel João Ramos

General introduction to the Course, presentation of the lecture and seminar schedule. 

Europe-Africa Relations: an entangled relation from the medieval ages to the contemporary world. Conceptual, geographic and political borders.

African slavery, a thorn that never goes away.

Imperial ideologies and the shaping of Euro-African relations

Cruzaders and Jihadis in Africa, old and new forms.

From the Tail of Europe to the Horn of Africa: Europe-Ethiopia relations - a convoluted history and an uncertain future.


Relano, Francesc. 2002. The shaping of Africa: Cosmographic Discourse and Cartographic Science in Late Medieval and Early Modern Europe. Aldershot: Ashgate.

Ramos, Manuel João. 2006. Essays in Christian Mythology: The metamorphoses of Prester John. Lanham: UPA.

Markowitz, Claude and Subrahmanyam, Sanjay. 2009. « Navigation, exploration, colonisation. Pour en finir avec les Grandes Découvertes », dans Histoire du monde au XVe siècle, (dir.) P. Boucheron, Paris, Fayard,, p. 603-618.

M'Bokolo, Elikia. 1969. Afrique noire. Histoire et civilizations. Paris, Hatier.