
Lecture 11

31 Março 2022, 17:30 Rita Sousa

Ordinary differential equations: definition and classification; notable examples; separable equations; Picard's theorem (existence and uniqueness).

Lecture 10

17 Março 2022, 19:00 Rita Sousa

Difference equations. Linear second (and higher) order difference equations with constant coefficients and a method to solve them based on the characteristic equation. Applications to the Fibonacci sequence and to the Gambler's ruin problem.

Lecture 9

17 Março 2022, 17:30 Rita Sousa

Difference equations. Equilibrium points and their stability. Cobweb diagrams.

Lecture 8

10 Março 2022, 19:00 Rita Sousa

Difference equations. Initial value problems and the existence and uniqueness of its solutions. Linear first-order difference equations with constant coefficients (but possibly non-autonomous) and their solutions.

Lecture 7

10 Março 2022, 17:30 Rita Sousa

Numerical methods for equality constrained optimization (contunued): Quadratic penalty methods.

Introduction to difference equations. Classification of difference equations. Expressing linear p-order difference equations as a system of first-order difference equations.