Co-conceção de programas
19 Dezembro 2022, 18:00 • Rita Sousa
O espetro da co-conceção
A fase de design do inquérito apreciativo
O inquérito apreciativo
29 Novembro 2022, 20:30 • Rita Sousa
Exercício prático de inquérito apreciativo
O processo de DDR da Colômbia
22 Novembro 2022, 20:30 • Rita Sousa
Apresentação do projeto coordenado pelo IMVF de apoio ao DDR na Colômbia. Debate com protagonistas do processo de reconciliação.
15 Novembro 2022, 20:30 • Rita Sousa
An overview was provided on the different steps and phases in P.E, reviewing some of the aspects of the 1st classes and putting it in an overall framework.
Reference was made to the CDC framework, Participatory Action Research as presented in the community toolkit and the steps therein. Attention was paid to specific practicalties as well as a number of tools that are often used in PE, besides interviews and FGDs, such as storytelling (MSC) through a UNICEF sourced video.
case studies in Participatory Evaluation
8 Novembro 2022, 20:30 • Rita Sousa
The lecture focused on:
1. feedback and discussion of the university mapping exercise through a gallery walk method
2. presentation and discussion on Operacao Acolhida, Brasilian research conducted by academic colleagues in Brasil on the use of Participatory Evaluation in Brasil and particular during and after Operacao Acolhida. Overview of the political context and how this might be a factor for the absence of a 'participatory culture', although progress is being made this is not the case for evaluation work.
Key obstacles that influenced conducting of participatory evaluations and uptake of results:
1. Securitisation (military-led intervention has no performance and no evaluation culture)
2. Culture of Participation does not easily translate from one sector to the next
3. Evaluation culture is crucial - the deeper the evaluation culture is embedded the higher the quality and level of participatory evaluation
4. The 'temporality' emergency framing i.e. seeing it as a very short term intervention hinders both drawing lessons and evaluation