
Oral Presentations

13 Maio 2021, 10:00 Rita Sousa

Oral Presentations: Abortion in Germany and the USA; Human rights trough education; Human rights and the Holocaust, NGO actions in Greece (refugees)

Oral Presentations

6 Maio 2021, 10:00 Rita Sousa

Oral Presentations: modern day slavery in Brazil; Euthanasia and assisted suicide; disabilities and sexuality; challenges of information and expression; double discrimination of gipsy women; gender based

Oral Presentations

29 Abril 2021, 10:00 Rita Sousa

Students oral presentations

Female Genital Mutilation

22 Abril 2021, 10:00 Rita Sousa

Female Genital Mutilation - culture vs universal human rights?

United Nations and UNICEF documentaries discussion on female genital mutilation in Liberia and the structural and cultural factors in its practice

Forced labour, human trafficking, modern slavery

15 Abril 2021, 10:00 Rita Sousa

Forced labour, human trafficking, modern slavery. The use of social media in selling-bying human beings.

the concepts of forced labour and human trafficking: act, means and purpose

different types of purposes: sexual exploitation, forced labour, debt bondage, domestic servitude, organ removal, forced begging, child soldiers, forced marriage.

documentary discussion: Silicon Valley's Online Slave Market - BBC News Arabic | BBC Africa Eye

suggested reading: Global Outlaws. Crime, Money and Power in Contemporary World, Carolyn Nordstrom.