
Invited Guest - António Castelo (QiNews)

25 Março 2021, 10:00 Rita Sousa

Invited Guest - António Castelo, director of QiNews: racism, inequalities and social exclusion in Portugal. Debate with the students

Populism and extremist political movements

18 Março 2021, 10:00 Rita Sousa

Populism and extremist political movements in today's world: racism, xenophobia, the threat to democracies, citizenship and human rights values after the II World War: the world economic and financial crisis, the refugees/migrant movements.

Watching and discussion of the TED Talk: "Talk like Trump: How to understand populist speech and overcome it"; students presented cases from their own countries/experiences of populism and extremist political movements.

Class Preparation - Oral Presentations

11 Março 2021, 10:00 Rita Sousa

Class dedicated to the oral presentations. The topics include: abortion in Greece, USA, Poland; Roma communities in Europe; freedom of expression in Russia; religious rights; refugees/immigrants in Greece; girls education amongst gipsy communities; interment camps in China; modern slavery in Brazil; women's rights; environmental rights.

The students presented their ideas, which were discussed in class and readings were recommended.

Human Rights and Crime

4 Março 2021, 10:00 Rita Sousa

Should human rights be equal to those who commit crimes? What is the role culture play in this assessment?

discussion based on three geographic contexts: Scandinavia, USA, Venezuela/Brazil: 13th (Netflix); excerpt from La Causa; short piece on Norway prisons.

Recommended readings: chapters from Downes, David, Paul Rock, Christine Chinkin and Conor Gearty (eds.) Crime, Control and Human Rights. From moral panics to states of denial. Essays in honour of Stanley Cohen. Devon: Willan Publishing

Racism, xenophobia, and human rights

25 Fevereiro 2021, 10:00 Rita Sousa

Racism, xenophobia, and human rights: the events of Charlie Hebdo attacks.

Freedom of speech, freedom to religion - are these fundamental universal rights? How do the right to free speech collide with religious and cultural beliefs?

The Charlie Hebdo attacks - background: the 2005 French riots, the questions of the banlieues, inequality, minorities integration;

Religious and cultural expression vs. the tight to make fun (a Western right?)

Comments on the book The Event of Charlie Hebdo. Imaginaries of Freedom and Control, ed. by Alessandro Zagato (Berghahn, 2015)