

  • NB: complementar com relatórios temáticos de sites especializados (ex. Arttactic, Artprice) e notícias do The Art Newspaper para dados mais atualizados. ZAROBELL, John (ed.), 2017. Art and the Global Economy, Oakland, University of California Press. GOODWIN, James, 2008. The International Art Markets. The essential guide for collectors and investors, Londres e Filadélfia, Kogan Page. ROBERTSON, Iain, 2018. New Art, New Markets, 2ª ed., Farnham, Lund Humphries. McANDREW, Clare, 2020. The Art Market 2020, Basileia, Art Basel & UBS. EHRMAN, Thierry (ed.), 2020. Artprice report: 2000-2020. 20 years of contemporary art auction history, St-Romain-au-Mont-d?Or, Artprice. :


  • VOGEL, Sabine, 2010. Biennials. Art on a Global Scale, Viena, Springer. THORNTON, Sarah, 2010. Sete Dias no Mundo da Arte, Lisboa, Arcádia (1ª ed. Londres, 2008). THOMPSON, Don, 2008. The $12 Million Stuffed Shark. The curious economics of contemporary art and auction houses, Londres, Aurun Press. ROBERTSON, Iain, 2016. Understanding Art Markets. Inside the world of art and business, Londres, Routledge. JONES, Caroline, 2017. The Global Work of Art. World's Fairs, Biennials, and the Aesthetics of Experience, Chicago, University of Chicago Press. HACKFORTH-JONES, Jos; ROBERTSON, Iain (eds.), 2016. Art Business Today. 20 key topics, Londres, Lund Humphries. HARRIS, Jonathan, 2017. The Global Contemporary Art World, Oxford, Wiley Blackwell. _____, 2020. ?Online sales and business model innovation in art markets: a case study?, Social Sciences, 9 (2), pp. 1-15. FERNANDES, Alexandra; AFONSO, Luís, 2014. ?Joana Vasconcelos: managing an artist?s studio in the early 21st century?, International Journal of Arts Management, 17 (1), pp. 54-64. BARRAGÁN, Paco, 2008. The Art Fair Age, Milão, Edizioni Charta. ANDREWS, Julia; SHEN, Kuiyi (eds.), 1998. A Century in Crisis. Modernity and tradition in the art of twentieth-century China, Nova Iorque, Guggenheim Museum Publications. AMIRSADEGHI, Hossein; MIKDADI, Salwa; SHABOUT, Nada (eds.), 2009. New Vision: Arab contemporary art in the 21st century, Londres, Transglobe Publishing. _____, 2012. Contemporary Art Brazil, Londres, Thames & Hudson. _____, 2010. Unleashed: Contemporary art from Turkey, Londres, Thames & Hudson. AMIRSADEGHI, Hossein (ed.), 2009. Different Sames: New perspectives in contemporary Iranian art, Londres, Thames & Hudson. AFONSO, Luís; FERNANDES, Alexandra, 2019. Mercados da Arte, Lisboa, Sílabo. ADLER, Phoebe et al. (eds.), 2010. Contemporary Art at Latin America, Londres, Black Dog Publishing. _____, 2017. Dark Side of the Boom. The excesses of the art market in the 21st century, Londres, Lund Humphries. ADAM, Georgina, 2014. Big Bucks. The explosion of the art market in the 21st century, Farnham, Lund Humphries. :