

  • Dias Curto, José, & Vieira, Duarte (2023). Excel para Economia e Gestão, 5ª Ed., Edições Sílabo, Lisboa, ISBN 978-989-561-290-1. Lomonaco, Leonardo (2023). EXCEL - A Comprehensive Guide to Become an Expert on Excel 2023 With All-in-One Approach, 1st. Ed., Leonardo Lomonaco, Author edition, ISBN 979-821-534-773-7. Martins, António (2017). Excel Aplicado à Gestão, 4ª Edição, Edições Sílabo, Lisboa, ISBN 978-972-618-876-6.:


  • Winston, Wayne L. (2019). Microsoft Excel 2019: Data Analysis and Business Modeling, 6th Edition, Pearson Education, USA., ISBN 978-150-930-588-9 Bernardo, Maria do Rosário; Negas, Mário Carrilho & Isaías, Pedro (2013). Excel Aplicado, FCA Editora, ISBN 978-972-722-755-6. Cravens, David; Lamb, Charles & Crittenden, Victoria (2001). Strategic Marketing Management Cases: With Excel Spreadsheets, 7th Edition, McGraw-Hill Publishing, USA, ISBN 978-007-251-482-7. Martins, António (2019). Aprenda Excel com Casos Práticos, Edições Sílabo, Lisboa, ISBN: 978-972-618-996-1. Monk, Ellen F.; Brady, Joseph A. & Mendelsohn, Emillio I. (2017). Problem-Solving Cases in Microsoft Access And Excel, 15th Edition, Course Technology, Cengage Learning, Boston, USA., ISBN 978-133-710-133-2. Peres, Paula (2011). Excel Avançado, 3ª Edição, Edições Sílabo, Lisboa, ISBN 978-972-618-640-3.ll Sengupta, Chandan (2009). Financial Analysis and Modeling Using Excel and VBA, 2nd Edition, John Wiley & Sons, USA, ISBN 978-047-027-560-3. Dreher, Gil (2023). Excel 2023: The Must-Have Guide to Master Microsoft Excel - From Beginner to Pro in less than 7 Days - Step-by-step Formulas and Functions with Tutorials and Illustration, 2023 Ed., Gil Dreher, Author edition, ISBN 979-837-552-249-4.: