
Class 6 - Inventory management

28 Fevereiro 2023, 16:00 Rita Sousa

Periodic review model exercises

Class 4 - Introduction to inventory management

28 Fevereiro 2023, 16:00 Rita Sousa

Exercises on both Inventory Models, Continuos and Periodic. Exercise 6 with both models and cost comparison between both.

Conclusions and discussion about the decision taking and the drivers to chose one model or the other.

Class 3 - Introduction to inventory management

28 Fevereiro 2023, 14:30 Rita Sousa

Exercises on both Inventory Models, Continuos and Periodic. Exercises 2, 3 and 5.

Small summary of the theorical concepts of both models given on the previous class

Class 5 - Inventory management

28 Fevereiro 2023, 14:30 Rita Sousa

Continuous review model exercises


27 Fevereiro 2023, 14:30 Rita Sousa

LOS data on demand analysis

uncertainty in demand

continuous and periodic review model