
Lévi-Strauss in Great Britain, part 2

27 Abril 2023, 16:00 Rita Sousa

Seminar: Reading of J. Goody's Domestication of the Savage mind, chapter 1.


26 Abril 2023, 16:00 Rita Sousa

Lévi-Strauss and its British readers: R. Needham, E. Leach and J. Goody

The impact of C. Lévi-Strauss' ideas and writings in the reshaping of British anthropology, criticisms and adoptions of structural methods.

The prominence of the taxonomic principle. Review of the notion of "dual opposition".

R. Needham: from acolyte to critic to censor. A review of his troubled relation with structuralism.

Right and Left: Essays in dual symbolic classification. Readings of R. Needham's defense of the tabular method in the presentation of Meru and Nyoro ethnography.


20 Abril 2023, 16:00 Rita Sousa

The flaws in R. Needham's "binary opposition" (in Reconaissances, Counterpoints and in Politethic opposition) and the absurdity of L. Dumont's "hierarchic opposition" ( Homo hiearachicus) as two possible outcomes of the ambiguity of the Durkheimean model.

Neddham and Dumont reviewed by R. H. Barnes ( Hierarchy without caste) and J. C. Gomes da Silva (L'identité volée): misreadings of Aristote's Catagories and Organon, evocation of Porphiry's platonism in his neo-aristotean proposal, and of Thomas Aquinas' "hiearachic opposition".

The forgotten categorical relations in Aristote: reversibility and ambiguity as essential to an understanding of the dynamics symbolic thought: Luc de Heusch's critical conception of "sacred royalty" in Africa ( Sacrifice dans le religions africaines), and J. C. Gomes da Silva's view on inversion and reversibility (and notes on dialogism from M. Baktine to J. Kristeva).


19 Abril 2023, 16:00 Rita Sousa

The utopian model behind the structural method proposal: analysis of Anthropologie strcturale II (the equalitarian future and the anthropologist's role; the paradigm of the "good savage") and of Structures Élementaires de la parenté (the primal dualist organisation of the Nambikwara).

Reading of Thomas Pavel's Le mirage linguistique: deconstructution of C. L'evi-Strauss' "analysis of myths" and its non-compliance with Trubetzkoy's methodological constraints.

Reading of Boris Wiseman's " Thought and culture: a reading of Claude Lévi-Strauss"


30 Março 2023, 16:00 Rita Sousa

C. Lévi-Strauss' La pensée sauvage. A reading of Lévi-Strauss' ideas in historical and philosophical context.

Totemism and caste (La pensée sauvage, chapter 4). A critical review of the rhetorical labyrinth proposed by the author.

Deconstruction of classificatory methods in Anthropology.