

8 Março 2023, 16:00 Rita Sousa

A short story of anthropologists' belief in "belief".

"Folk psychology", conceptualisation and knowledge.

R. Needham's Belief, Knowledge and Experience: issues on religion and cognition, and his influence on Dan Sperber's Le savoir des anthropologues. (see B. Saler's review in LAmerican anthropologist).

Symbolism, belief and rationalism in D. Sperber's text in La fonction symbolique.

To know and to believe, in Jean Pouillon's "Remarques le verbe croire".


Content analysis of Dan Serber's book.

Aditional reading:

E.E: Evans Pritchard, The Nuer

D. Sperber, Le savoir des anthropologues

J. Bureau, Le verdict du Serpent. Mythes, contes et recits des Gamo d'Éthiopie

J. Abink, Review of Le verdict du Serpent. Mythes, contes et recits des Gamo d'Éthiopie


2 Março 2023, 16:00 Rita Sousa

Workshop, part 1

Content analysis of Dan Serber's book.

Aditional reading:

E.E: Evans Pritchard, The Nuer

D. Sperber, Le savoir des anthropologues

J. Bureau, Le verdict du Serpent. Mythes, contes et recits des Gamo d'Éthiopie

J. Abink, Review of Le verdict du Serpent. Mythes, contes et recits des Gamo d'Éthiopie

Summary of the Seminar on "Croyances apparament irrationelles"
(chapter 2 of Le savoir des anthropologues, Dan Sperber)

General synopsis

Division of the text into parts - partial description of arguments:
- introduction
- Critique of intellectualism
- Critique of symbolism
- Critique of Relativism
- Rationalist thesis
- Conclusion

Analysis of the psychological argument proposed by author

Analysis of the construction of the argument - compared with the conclusions of Sec. 1

Analysis of the argument by illustration: dialogue of field notebook and "forgetting"

Question: Interpretation vs. explanation: "Attention! Dragon dangereux."


1 Março 2023, 16:00 Rita Sousa

Discussion of Dan Sperber's critical review of C. Lévi-Strauss's model, in Du symbolisme en général

D. Sperber vs T. Ingold and the Psychology / Ethnography debate in the Debated Mind

Maurice Bloch's connectivist stand in How we think they think

On AI and connectionism:

Deep learning

Deep moving

Society of mind


16 Fevereiro 2023, 16:00 Rita Sousa

Meaning, culture, categorisation.

Concepts and symbols. The ethnocentric wrongs of view both dualistic and substantivistic.

Positive Reason: a cultural category? The inescapability of Paradox and Reversibility. The example of mathematical discourse: Gödel's indefinity theorem, and a reading of L. Carrol and D. Hofstadter: J. C. Gomes da Silva.

A critical perspective on semiology and its influence in anthropology.

The issue of meaning and absurdity in G. Deleuze


P. Blundel-Jones, Meaning and the use of meaning

G. Deleuze, La logique du sens

L. Carrol, Through the looking-glass

Tomiche, Penser le (non)sens: Deleuze, Carrol et Artaud

J. C. Gomes da Silva, Objets ilusoires de l'écriture


15 Fevereiro 2023, 16:00 Rita Sousa

The indefinition problem in what's proper to language and proper to thought: E. Benveniste's reading of the Categories, by Aristote.

Detailed reading of the text.

Sylvia Scribner's critical review of sylogism, in Ways of Thinking, Ways of Speaking

A way forward from the linguistic-based, static and taxonomic models in ethnographic observation and in anthropological writing: Edmund Leach, Maurice Bloch, J.C. Gomes da Silva.


E. Benveniste, Categories de la langue, categories de la pensée

Maurice Bloch, How we think they think

Edmund Leach, Political systems of Highland Burma

Edmund Leach, Rethinking Anthropology

J. C. Gomes da Silva, O Discurso contra si próprio

J. Lave. Savagery of domesticated thought

West, Science for the West, Myth for the rest?

Sylvia Scribner, Ways of Thinking, Ways of Speaking

Aristote, Organon