
Different Logics to approach Service

12 Março 2021, 08:00 Rita Sousa

Value and service logics
The concept of value
The service business
Different logics to service

Service ecosystems
Service systems and networks
The society' levels of analyse (macro, meso, micro)
Reframing old concepts
Using smart systems to merge back and front stages
We are all in Service now, more or less…

Managing aggregations

11 Março 2021, 09:30 Rita Sousa

Balancing capacity and requests (supply/demand)
The Yield management
Queue configurations and models
Bridging the front stage and back stage

Capacity planning (Capacity utilization; Efficiency optimization; Bottlenecks)

Service scaling

11 Março 2021, 08:00 Rita Sousa

The problems of scaling services, that is, the problems unique to grow in service settings.
Growing in workforce or investing in technology?

Quality & Service Quality

5 Março 2021, 08:00 Rita Sousa

Quality movements
From inspection to management to total management
The customer satisfaction, loyalty and repurchasing
Service failures and complaints
Service recovery, approaches and implications of the recovery process

Service quality
The basics of service quality
Quality gaps
Perceptions and expectations

Business models

4 Março 2021, 09:30 Rita Sousa

Various ways to develop an idea for a new service
What are business models? Methods for creating a business model for a service
Business model innovation