Class 15
9 Dezembro 2022, 15:30 • Rita Sousa
- group exercise on stereotype interventions: analysis of Liu's (2021) JAP paper
Class 14
9 Dezembro 2022, 13:00 • Rita Sousa
- stereotypes
- stereotype threat
- stereotype knowledge, activation and use
- Devine (1989): Automatic and Controlled Components of Stereotype and Prejudice
Class 13
2 Dezembro 2022, 15:30 • Rita Sousa
sexism in childhood and adolescence: evidence on the application of the ambivalent sexism theory
- Gutierrez et al., 2019, Sex Roles: The Heroes and the Helpless: The Development of Benevolent Sexism in Children
- Development of Ambivalent Sexism and Gender Stereotypes among Children and Adolescents: Effects on Behavioral Intention to Stereotypic Task Division
- Development of Ambivalent Sexism in Childhood: Effect on Future Career Aspirations
Class 12
2 Dezembro 2022, 13:00 • Rita Sousa
sexism in the adult population
- sexism taxonomy
- ambivalent sexism theory
- correlates of ambivalent sexism
- ambivalent sexism and interpersonal liking and attraction
Class 11
25 Novembro 2022, 15:30 • Rita Sousa
- evidence on gender-based inequalities worldwide (SDG Gender Index 2019)
- group work: exploration of the Everyday Sexism Platform and identification of key features of the reported incidents towards a conceptualization of contemporary sexism (attitudes, beliefs & behaviours).
- definition of sexism