Class 7
3 Novembro 2022, 15:30 • Rita Sousa
- Predictors of academic achievement: Hattie's 2nd order meta-analysis
- Discussion of predictors directly or indirectly related to social and cultural diversity
- PISA evidence on the academic performance and wellbeing of immigrant students and its predictors
Class 6
28 Outubro 2022, 13:00 • Rita Sousa
- Group 5 intervention article presentation and discussion
- ethnic achievement gap: McKown and Strambler (2008) transactional model (cont.)
- direct effects
- signal effects: stereotype threat
Class 5
20 Outubro 2022, 15:30 • Rita Sousa
- Students' intervention paper presentation: Group 4
- Discussion in small groups about the key learnings following the intervention article presentations
- Discussion with class and summary
Class 4
20 Outubro 2022, 13:00 • Rita Sousa
Student's intervention article presentation:
Groups 1, 2 and 3
Class 3
14 Outubro 2022, 15:30 • Rita Sousa
- measures of social diversity
- how to measure: different indexes (Simpson, Gini-Simpson & Social Diversity Index)
- Fearon's (2003) approach to identifying and assessing ethnic / cultural / ... diversity
- diversity structure
- exercise: defining and assessing social diversity in the classroom using the Social Diversity Index