09/05/2022 - Aula: Seg (11:00-12:30) Lesson 12
9 Maio 2022, 11:00 • Rita Sousa
Correct homework make and do
Presentation language
Statements of purpose
Prepositions of change
Describing a graph/presenting statistics
Homework: Spot the mistake and prepositions of time
Lesson 12
9 Maio 2022, 09:30 • Rita Sousa
Correct homework make and do
Presentation language
Statements of purpose
Prepositions of change
Describing a graph/presenting statistics
Homework: Spot the mistake and prepositions of time
09/05/2022 - Aula: Seg (09:30-11:00) Lesson 12
9 Maio 2022, 09:30 • Rita Sousa
Correct homework make and do
Presentation language
Statements of purpose
Prepositions of change
Describing a graph/presenting statistics
Homework: Spot the mistake and prepositions of time
Lesson 10
5 Maio 2022, 14:30 • Rita Sousa
- Continuation of the previous lesson
- Pitch review: elevator pitch and USP
- Presentations: introductions and statements of purpose (video analysis)
- follow-up speaking activity