
Lesson 10

28 Abril 2022, 14:30 Rita Sousa

  • Correction of homework

  • Acronyms

  • Passive voice

  • Describing the recruitment process with the passive voice

  • Banking

  • Homework: Bitcoin digital currency

Lesson 8

28 Abril 2022, 14:30 Rita Sousa

  • Continuation of the previous lesson
  • How to handle an interview
  • Roleplay activity
  • Debate: should slang be banned from classrooms
  • Debate structure and video resources
  • Vocabulary and patterns to express opinions and arguments
  • Team debate activity

Lesson 10

28 Abril 2022, 13:00 Rita Sousa

- Correction of homework
- Acronyms
- Passive voice / exercises / pair work
- Banking vocabulary / pair work

Lesson 10

28 Abril 2022, 13:00 Rita Sousa

  • Correction of homework

  • Acronyms

  • Passive voice

  • Describing the recruitment process with the passive voice

  • Banking

  • Homework: Bitcoin digital currency

Lesson 10

28 Abril 2022, 11:00 Rita Sousa

  • Correction of homework

  • Acronyms

  • Passive voice

  • Describing the recruitment process with the passive voice

  • Banking

  • Homework: Bitcoin digital currency