
Lesson 9

26 Abril 2022, 09:30 Rita Sousa

  • Correction homework: letters and prepositions of time

  • Abbreviations

  • CVs

  • Job interviews

  • Emails and email language

  • Homework: spot the mistake

Lesson 9

26 Abril 2022, 09:30 Rita Sousa

- Correction homework: letters and prepositions of time
- Abbreviations
- CVs
- Emails and email language

26/04/2022 - Aula: Ter (09:30-11:00) Lesson 9

26 Abril 2022, 09:30 Rita Sousa

•News update
•Correction homework: letters and prepositions of time
•Job interviews
•Emails and email language
•Homework: spot the mistake

Lesson 8

7 Abril 2022, 14:30 Rita Sousa

  • Correct homework

  • Spot the mistake

  • Spelling

  • Letters of application

  • Formal vs. informal language

  • Letter of application exercise

Lesson 6

7 Abril 2022, 14:30 Rita Sousa

  • Review of the previous lesson
  • Letter of application: structure and example
  • Tips on how to improve writing: filler expressions, grammar (PP vs. SP)
  • Weak adjectives vs strong ones, formal and informal writing
  • Writing activity: creating a story (developing linked paragraphs)