

23 Maio 2022, 20:30 Rita Sousa

The lecture examined the EU's m ultilateralism, its cooperation with other state and non-state actors, particularly in the scope of its strategic partnerships. As a way of introduction, we covered multilateralism and how it differs from unilateralism and bilateralism. The emphasis was on the current crisis of multilateralism. We then proceeded to outline the EU's view of multilateral cooperation, the challenges it faces, as well as the role the EU plays in various multilateral frameworks: WTO, G7, G20, UN, World Bank, and climate change negotiations. The lecture outlined the historical development on EU's multilateralism from the 2003 European Security Strategy to the 2022 Strategic Compass, with a focus on the 2021 EU Agenda for a Renewed Multilateralism. The part on the strategic partnerships covered the differences between the individual partnerships with countries, groups of countries, and regional international organizations, looked at the EU strategic partners' view of multilateralism, outlining some of the challenges the EU faces in these relationships, and how it has addressed them.


23 Maio 2022, 18:00 Rita Sousa

The lecture examined the EU's m ultilateralism, its cooperation with other state and non-state actors, particularly in the scope of its strategic partnerships. As a way of introduction, we covered multilateralism and how it differs from unilateralism and bilateralism. The emphasis was on the current crisis of multilateralism. We then proceeded to outline the EU's view of multilateral cooperation, the challenges it faces, as well as the role the EU plays in various multilateral frameworks: WTO, G7, G20, UN, World Bank, and climate change negotiations. The lecture outlined the historical development on EU's multilateralism from the 2003 European Security Strategy to the 2022 Strategic Compass, with a focus on the 2021 EU Agenda for a Renewed Multilateralism. The part on the strategic partnerships covered the differences between the individual partnerships with countries, groups of countries, and regional international organizations, looked at the EU strategic partners' view of multilateralism, outlining some of the challenges the EU faces in these relationships, and how it has addressed them.


16 Maio 2022, 20:30 Rita Sousa

The lecture examined the EU in great power politics, specifically its EU's foreign policy towards China and Russia. As a way of introduction, we discussed the concept of great power and great power politics. We then analysed if (and to what extent), the EU, Russia, and China are great powers. Next, we covered the EU-China and EU-Russia relations, including political and economic (trade) relations from the current and historical perspective. We examined Chinese and Russian regional integration initiatives and discussed the problems in both relationships. In conclusion, we talked about the problem of analyses that are overly-focused on great powers and emphasized importance of local actors in realities.


16 Maio 2022, 18:00 Rita Sousa

The lecture examined the EU in great power politics, specifically its EU's foreign policy towards China and Russia. As a way of introduction, we discussed the concept of great power and great power politics. We then analysed if (and to what extent), the EU, Russia, and China are great powers. Next, we covered the EU-China and EU-Russia relations, including political and economic (trade) relations from the current and historical perspective. We examined Chinese and Russian regional integration initiatives and discussed the problems in both relationships. In conclusion, we talked about the problem of analyses that are overly-focused on great powers and emphasized importance of local actors in realities.


9 Maio 2022, 20:30 Rita Sousa

This was the second part of the two-lecture series on migration. Last lecture covered introduction, political metaphors of EU and migration, some basic terminology, and facts and figures about origins, destinations, points of entry, volume of immigration to the EU, asylum procedure and outcome statistics. This lecture focused on how member states (on the cases of Greece and Italy) process asylum applications, the role of the European Border and Coast Guard Agency (Frontex), and the EU's approach to migration, namely the political, security, and military toolboxes. We also briefly discussed the essay - its formal and content requirements and the remaining questions students had.