
Aula 2 - TheUser-CenteredDesign Process

23 Setembro 2024, 14:00 Paulo Jorge Medeiros Novo Neves

Interface Design.
Usability engineering and user experience (UX).
Know your users and their tasks.
How to be creative?
Interactions and interventions.
Project brainstorming.
Design frameworks.
Classical software engineering design lifecycle - waterfall.
Activities in the software engineering design life cycle.
The design life cycle for interactive systems.
Iterative Design is the answer.
User-Centered Design process.
Why are user requirements important?
Functional vs. non-functional user requirements.
Functional & non-functional requirements description examples.
Design Thinking: anintroduction.
Design process: iterative, divergent, convergent.

Aula 1 - Apresentação, Programa e Avaliação

16 Setembro 2024, 14:00 Paulo Jorge Medeiros Novo Neves

Objetivos da UC.

O que é o Desenho Centrado no Utilizador.
Objetivos de aprendizagem.
Projeto de grupo - protótipo de baixa fidelidade.
Simulação do computador humano com PBF.
Protótipo de alta fidelidade.
Megatendências 2024.

Story of Computing and Human-Computer Interaction.