
Class 17

11 Maio 2021, 11:00 Rita Sousa

Innovation cycle - Introduction into the market.

How to plan the introduction.

Using decision theory and developing contingency plans.

Spotting Potential Problems with the ATAR hierarchy.

Select the control events and designing the tracking system.

The rise and fall of Nokia: case-study.


Class in an online model. Link to the online session:

Class 16

11 Maio 2021, 09:30 Rita Sousa

Innovation cycle - Testing.

Innovation process - the pathway to testing.

Testing advantages and disadvantages.

The testing phases.

The prototype.

The Google glasses innovation.


Class in an online model. Link to the online session:

Class 18

10 Maio 2021, 11:00 Rita Sousa

Innovation cycle - Introduction into the market.

Spotting Potential Problems with the ATAR hierarchy.

Select the control events and designing the tracking system.

The rise and fall of Nokia: case-study.


Class in an online model. Link to the online session:

Class 17

10 Maio 2021, 09:30 Rita Sousa

Innovation cycle - Testing.

The prototype.

The Google glasses innovation.

Innovation cycle - Introduction into the market.

How to plan the introduction.

Using decision theory and developing contingency plans.


Class in an online model. Link to the online session:

Class 16

10 Maio 2021, 08:00 Rita Sousa

Innovation cycle - Development.

The stage-gate process.

Innovation cycle - Testing.

Innovation process - the pathway to testing.

Testing advantages and disadvantages.

The testing phases.

The prototype.

The Google glasses innovation.


Class in an online model. Link to the online session: