
The Self

25 Setembro 2020, 12:30 Rita Sousa

Self concept components

Consumption and the self

Gender roles

Body image

"Shoes and Self" (Belk, 2003)

Class 6 - Values and involvement

22 Setembro 2020, 08:00 Rita Sousa

Involvement and motivation

Involvement levels

The engagement with the brand

Involvement types

Involvement measure

Strategies and tatics to increase involvement

CGM and involvement from the consumer

Core values

The mean-ends chain model (next class)


21 Setembro 2020, 12:30 Rita Sousa

Perception process

Sensory systems

Sensorial thresholds



Class 5 - The motivation process

21 Setembro 2020, 08:00 Rita Sousa

What is motivation?

The motivation process

Needs and motivation

Motivation strenght, direction and types

Motivation conflicts

Class 4 -  The self

18 Setembro 2020, 16:00 Rita Sousa

Perspectives on the self


Self-concept components

Self esteem

Shoes and self esteem - the role of symbolic consumption

The symbolic interactionism

Consumption and self-concept


Dynamic nature of motivation

Motivations for consumption