Aula 8
14 Fevereiro 2023, 13:00 • Rita Sousa
Resolução de sistemas lineares usando a matriz inversa; Combinações lineares e independência linear.
14 Fevereiro 2023, 13:00 • Rita Sousa
[08] (TP)
Independência linear. Determinantes: definição baseada na expansão em cofatores. Exercícios.
1.6(4), 1.6(15), 3.1(a) pág. 10, 3.1(b) pág. 10.
14 Fevereiro 2023, 11:00 • Rita Sousa
Resolution of the exercises 7 and 10 from the CUP (week 2).
Elementary matrices and inverse matrix.
Matrice form of a linear system.
Solutions of linear systems.
Resolution of linear systems using the inverse matrix.
Resolution of exercise 1 from the CUP of week 3.
Lecture 7
14 Fevereiro 2023, 09:30 • Rita Sousa
- The matrix form of a linear system;
- Characterizing consistent independent systems in terms of the invertibility of its coefficient matrix;
- Linearly independent and linearly dependent sets of vectors.
The following exercises from CUP - 3rd Week were discussed:
- Ex. 1 and 3.2 (a).
Sections 1.6, 4.3, 1.9, 2.1 and 2.2 of
Howard Anton, Chris Rorres, Linear Algebra Applications Version, 10th Edition,
2012, Bookman. ISBN: 978854070169